Memorial Created By
Rachel Kirk

Oliver Jay Neet

May 04, 1993 - May 04, 2021

We are here to celebrate the life of Oliver Jay Neet, who left us far too soon. Please share any memories, stories, and photos to celebrate Oliver's life. Click on the heart to let us know you were here and to receive email updates. Please disregard the following information about charitable...  see more

Oliver Jay Neet was born May 4th, 1993, in Springfield, Oregon, the second-youngest of Darrell and Connie Neet’s ten children. Oliver was much loved and is survived by his parents, his five sisters, Jennifer, Rachel, Elizabeth, Laura, and Abigail, and four brothers, Phillip, Nathan, Caleb, and Lincoln. Oliver loved his family and enjoyed being an uncle to thirty nieces and nephews, including two great-nieces and a great nephew. Oliver...  see more
2,174 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Darrell Neet
    Oliver never a day passes that I do not think of you. Yesterday was kind of special, I had lost my wallet somewhere and it had been about a week. The night before I prayed and asked God to help me find it (the only way that seems to work) I noticed that...  more
  • Jesse Whitson
    Oliver was a lively amazing soul. I met him during the time of the 80's movie. He was so passionate and excited to be apart of the movie with his brothers. Everytime I saw him he always had a smile with excitement and wonder.
  • Gordon Asti
  • Elizabeth Cramer
  • Elizabeth Cramer
  • Elizabeth Cramer
  • Elizabeth Cramer
  • Elizabeth Cramer
  • Elizabeth Cramer
  • Elizabeth Cramer
  • Elizabeth Cramer
    Oliver, I still can't believe this is real, and you're really gone.. I will never be able to see you again. Never talk to you again and hear your voice. Never give you a hug again. Never see you smile or hear you laugh. You will never see Greta or...  more
  • Elizabeth Cramer
  • Stacie Jones
    Love you so much Oliver 🎶 🎼 🎵 ❤️
  • Jared Kirk
    Oliver was one of the people I felt most comfortable around. He would sit on the couch with me and watch the wackiest horror movies.

    Whenever he laughed, it wasn't at other people. He was not judgemental, but lived in a world where he was constantly...  more
  • Brian Parulski
    I only crossed paths with Olivier a few times, but knew immediately what a special young man he was. At the wonderful wedding of my nephews to Laura and Rachael, when it was time to clean up the venue, Oliver was one of the only helpers left.

    If...  more
    • Laura Kirk reacted on this.
    • Brian Parulski
      Rachel Kirk Thank you for sharing this memory, Uncle B It was so nice to read
      • May 10, 2021
  • Rachel Kirk
    Rachel Kirk added 2 photo(s) to the memorial Oliver Jay Neet:
  • Jennifer Vanni
    Oliver. His very name brings a smile to my heart.

    His soul, so gentle, warm and pure could edit darkness into light.

    Memories of hysterical laughter and sweet moments have been flooding back to me this week.

    As a little boy he was absolutely darling....  more
  • Jennifer Vanni
  • Liana Stone
  • Laura Kirk
    I miss you a lot.

    When I received the call on the morning of your birthday, the call that a part of me had been dreading for so long, but would never have expected, every fiber of my being screamed for it to not be true.

    It still doesn’t seem real....  more
  • Laura Kirk
    From Benjamin:

    I regret this, but I don't really have any recent pictures taken of Oliver and me together. The most recent is the wedding, being almost four years ago. I am glad that we made memories, spending time together often over the course of my...  more
  • Evon Trembly
    I knew Oliver the most back in high school. He was a kind friend with a great sense of humor. He was my date to Junior prom. A perfect gentleman and choice dance Partner ♡
    He will be so missed on this earth. May he be resting now with the Lord.
    I'm...  more
  • Yaro Carpenter
  • Jan Smith
  • Cheryl  Knapp
  • Stacie Jones
  • Jolie H
  • J. H.
  • Natasha Nosbisch
  • Evon Trembly
  • Lincoln Neet
  • Rachel Kirk
    Rachel Kirk added 4 photo(s) to the memorial Oliver Jay Neet:
  • Rachel Kirk
    Rachel Kirk added 3 photo(s) to the memorial Oliver Jay Neet:
  • Rachel Kirk
    Rachel Kirk added 5 photo(s) to the memorial Oliver Jay Neet:
    • Laura Kirk reacted on this.
    • Rachel Kirk
      Laura Kirk So many memories. I have never been more grateful for our family’s incessant photo-taking and video-recording... that one of mom and Oliver is so beautiful. Both of their smiles warm my heart so much.
      • May 8, 2021
  • Rachel Kirk
    When I hear music, I’ll think of how much you loved listening to it
    When I hug my children, I’ll think of how much you loved being an uncle
    When I take trips, I’ll think of how much you loved traveling and adventures
    When I try to write, I’ll...  more
    • J. H., Laura Kirk, and Elizabeth Cramer reacted on this.
    • Rachel Kirk
      Laura Kirk This is beautiful, Rachel. It think we all agree, almost every happy or beautiful moment will bring Oliver back to us in a small way.
      • May 8, 2021