The memorial organizer requested donations in honor of Megan Stark

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Memorial Created By
Tristen Ingraham

Megan Stark

June 02, 1988 - January 05, 2021

We created a GatheringUs memorial page to celebrate the life of Megan. Collecting your stories and memories here will offer great comfort to many, included her daughter Mila as she grows. Thank you for contributing to this lasting memorial.

Megan (Love Bunny) Stark was a lot of things. She was summertime magic sunbathing on the trampoline in her parent’s backyard. She was her long blonde hair flowing out the window of Erica’s Taurus singing “lovin’… is what I got”. She was the wet streak on your cheek you got from her randomly licking you. She was the girl holding a pipe masquerading as a cigarette at a Jimmy Buffet Concert. She was vacations in Hawaii with her dad and...  see more
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Posts & Photos

  • Sera Hyde
    My Sticky - I've been slow to express my feelings of your's been rough. I missed being at your memorial with our friends, but I heard it was beautiful, a memorial you deserve. I gave some thought to what I would have said if given the...  more
  • Brad McIntyre
    First conversation I ever had with Megan:

    Megan "What's your favorite movie?"

    Me "Fight Club"

    Megan "😮"

    She was wonderful and so dang cool. I'm not at all surprised at how many people loved her and miss her..
  • Tristen Ingraham
    Tristen Ingraham added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Megan Stark:
    A toast to Magic
  • Tristen Ingraham
    Tristen Ingraham added 3 photo(s) to the memorial Megan Stark:
    Notes to Mila