Memorial Created By
Pompano Beach High School

Vaughn Henderson

We created a GatheringUs memorial to celebrate the life of Pompano Beach High School teacher Vaughn Henderson. Collecting your stories and memories here will offer us, and his family, great comfort.

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Posts & Photos

  • Chris Cook
    I knew Vaughn in high school through chorus, drama and band. I have only fond memories of him. He was the nicest guy. This means that his name will carry on for a good long time.

    β€œI mean, they say you die twice. One time when you stop breathing and a...  more
  • Kimmi Scanlan
    I’m beyond grateful for the things I learned from Mr. Henderson. He taught me how to be a better leader and an overall more caring person. Walking into his classroom always brightened my day. He will truly be missed.
  • Devin Bittner
    Mr. Henderson was my teacher in 2012-2013. He taught us how to pass the AP exam with flying colors but more importantly, educated us on what acceptance, love, and equality mean. His class was one of the first experiences I had understanding the...  more
  • Mads Young
    I took AP Human Geography with Mr. Henderson as a first year at PBHS and worked closely with him as an officer of the GSA until I graduated. He was a great teacher who prepared us very well for the AP test. He was kind and understanding when life got in...  more
  • Christian Camacho
    He’s a teacher I didn’t have.. But, I did meet with him from time to time and help out with chairs and desks when I was in Freshman and Sophomore year.. He was very calm and nice and I enjoyed talking with him.
  • Laura Magnetta
    Mr. Henderson was an egalitarian who championed tolerance, acceptance and respect. I honor his service to our country and to our nation's children. He was passionate about helping his students learn how to think and how to be comfortable in their own...  more
  • brooke sacca
  • Sena Gains
    I had Mr.Henderson both freshmen and sophomore year, freshmen year for AP Human, and sophomore year for drama. Even though I had a performing arts background before I started his class, I was shy and didn’t really know what to expect within the class,...  more
  • Marsha Arias
    Mr Henderson was a kind, giving, knowledgeable man. He was such a great advocate for students, the community and many who needed a voice. He was also full of so much passion and commitment to his students and all he believed in - a gift to so many. My...  more
  • Gianna Gentile
    I had Mr.Henderson during my freshman year of high school for AP human geography. As a freshman, I was really nervous to be starting at a brand new high school where I didn't know too many people but Mr.Henderson always made sure that all of his students...  more
  • giulia dias
    I had Mr. Henderson freshman year and he was always such a kind human that always wanted the best for his students not only academically but in life too. Sending love and prayers to all of Mr. Henderson's friends and family and he will be missed.
  • Monica Renteria
    I had Mr.Henderson for both Ap human Geography and Theater. When I was filling out my slip to choose my classes I was unsure if I should choose AP Human and I can say is it’s the best choice I could’ve done. He’s one of the best teachers I’ve...  more
  • Abigail Pierre
    Mr. Henderson was my 9th grade AP Human Teacher. I would be so excited for his class on blue days, he would always light up the room with his funny jokes making all of the class laugh. He was such a bright soul and was always ready to get up and teach....  more
  • Emilee Kurdziel
    I am sending lots of love and prayers to all of Mr. Henderson's friends, family, and students. I was lucky enough to take his AP Human geography class my freshmen year, which is still one of my favorite classes to this day. Not only was it the highlight...  more
  • Nikole Kate
    I personally never had Mr. Henderson as a teacher, but I wished I did. I always saw Henderson as an eccentric and brave man and admired the work he did for us students. He was passionate about what he taught and passionate about his students. The first...  more
  • Amalia Phend
    I was one of the students who was very close to Mr. Henderson. He was very important to his kids, me included, and I can't even begin to express what he meant to me. He was kind to every single student that walked into his room, whether they liked him or...  more
    • Amalia Phend
      Nicole Hanna You really captured his spirit. Thank you for sharing the photos.
    • Amalia Phend
      Mariana Ungaro wow, im at a loss for words what you just said is truly how mr.henderson was he was not only a teacher but a person with such guidance and love to spread, although ive only seen you around school and dont know you well you can always message me to talk...  more
    • Amalia Phend
      Fabiana Ungaro hey! I know you don’t know me but if you ever need anyone to talk to please don’t hesitate! I’m always here. I want you to feel as supported as possible. I can imagine this hurts beyond words. I wasn’t close to him like you were, but you’re...  more
    • Amalia Phend
      Mariana Ungaro 9549132355*
      • September 30, 2020
  • Emma  Lorber
    I send my condolences to the friends and family of Mr. Henderson, I wish you peace and comfort in this time of grief. Mr. Henderson was not your average teacher, I left every day of his class feeling more knowledgeable than all my other classes made me...  more
  • Carylee Tappa
    Mr. Henderson was such a kind soul. When my sister was at pompano, she was in thespians and drama and had him for 3 years. She put on plays that he helped with tremendously. I would always stay during imrpov and help him organize his things and we would...  more
  • Bianca De Vera
    I had Mr. Henderson for study hall and he was one of the nicest teachers I have ever met. He listened to me talk about music, he offered advice and was always there whenever someone needed him. Although I did not know him that well, he still made me feel...  more
  • Ayanna Joseph
    Mr. Henderson was my drama teacher in 9th grade and I just remember with it being my first year at a school that wasn't as diverse as my last school, he made me feel safe. He created an inviting and comfortable environment for all of us where we felt we...  more
    • Nicole Hanna and Mads Young reacted on this.
    • Ayanna Joseph
      Nicole Hanna "He created an inviting and comfortable environment for all of us". Ayanna, that's the highest compliment for a teacher. Many other students felt the same. Thank you for sharing.
      • September 30, 2020
  • Tasfia Howlader
    When I first came to pompano I felt out of place and uncomfortable, Mr.Henderson’s classroom was the place where it felt like home. His personality only added onto the positive vibes displayed. He was funny, lighthearted, and always kind. He always...  more
  • Fabiana Ungaro
    Mr. Henderson was a brave and inspiring man. I remember going to freshman orientation and seeing Mr. Henderson stand at the podium in the auditorium and deliver an amazing PowerPoint presentation with music, narration and a beautiful intensity, about his...  more
  • Naja Taylor
    Mr. Henderson was beyond amazing. When I came to Pompano Beach High School my freshman year, pure luck and my love for Hamilton brought me to his classroom not once, but twice a day. His class was a safe space for everyone, there was never a dull moment...  more
  • Ariella Jacobson
    I know Mr. Henderson well. Wherever he is, I hope he is happy. May his memory be a blessing
  • Mariana Ungaro
    Although i did not know Mr.henderson as well as others, I know he was such an amazing and pure soul, he always had a smile on his face no matter how stressed he was. He was very inclusive to all the kids at our school and loved everyone no matter who...  more
  • Arleigha Byer
    Mr. Henderson was a teacher that made me feel safe from the moment I stepped into his AP Human class freshman year. I never thought I would ever have the privilege of having someone as kind, caring and as patient as he was teach me about such important...  more
  • Morgan Reid
    Words can't even begin to describe how amazing Mr. Henderson was. He was my AP Human Geography teacher my freshman year, and if it wasn't for his wonderful teaching skills I wouldn't have passed the exam. He was a loving, caring person who wanted nothing...  more
  • Elise Neumann
    As I sit here thinking of what to write, I am beyond baffled. Mr. Henderson was my AP Human Geography teacher my freshman year, but that is not where our relationship ended. He was my advisor for Thespians, and over the years he became a mentor and...  more
  • Nicole Hanna
    To the family and friends of Mr. Henderson, I send you my heartfelt condolences. Thank you for sharing this picture of him in Europe. I remember how excited he was to share his travel experience with his students when he returned from that trip. Mr....  more
  • Rick Nagy
    It is with a heavy heart that I send my condolences to the family, friends, and students of Mr. Vaughn Henderson. He was my student teacher at PBHS when I started teaching and showed me the Pompano way of teaching. He was a man that truly made a...  more