Memorial Created By
Amy Donnellan

Marvin "Pete" Hokom

June 30, 1937 - May 15, 2019

Join us in celebrating the life of Marvin "Pete" Hokom. Contribute to this lasting memorial by sharing stories, memories, and photos. Feel free to share this memorial with family and friends.

On May 15, 2019 Marvin "Pete" Hokom died at the age of 81. The child of Lowell and Bertha Hokom, he grew up on a farm in Nebraska during the Great Depression with his sister Delores and his brothers Robert and Ronald. After attending a one room  school house and then Lodgepole High School, he attended Kearney State Teachers College, the University of Colorado, Boulder, and Case Western Reserve, where he studied English, German,...  see more
5,923 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Jennifer Wallace
    Thanks to Mr. Hokum, and his classes at Mt. Eden, I came to love math. His humor and love of teaching made every class enjoyable (even the tests!). I’ve been able to spread the love of math to my own children as well. Knowledge is power! Rest in Power!
  • Shannan Dugan
    Mr. Hokom was my math teacher at Mt. Eden and I will never forget him. He made me like math and he was so kind and funny and it was clear he cared so much about his students. He was my favorite math teacher and probably even my favorite teacher at Mt....  more
  • Daniel Petzold
    I think I’ve been putting off writing down my thoughts about my Great Uncle Pete (always called simply Uncle Pete) because I haven't wanted to accept that he's not here anymore. And yet one of the things I respected most about Uncle Pete was how open...  more
    • Daniel Petzold
      Shannan Dugan What a beautiful tribute. I loved learning more about your uncle beyond whatl he did for the students at Mt. Eden and our relationship there with him.
      • March 11, 2020
  • Amy Donnellan
    Below are some comments from former students:

    Mr. Marvin Hokom was an amazing person and teacher. It is a testament to what a great person and teacher he was that many of his former students, from his 40+ years of teaching, kept in touch with him. I've...  more
  • Marie Mumford
    A wonderfully humble teacher, mentor, friend to hundreds of us throughout his career. I will miss my colleague from across the hall at MEHS.
    • Marie Mumford
      Amy Donnellan He mentioned recently how happy he was to run into you at the BART station! Thank you for your comment!
      • June 21, 2019
  • Marie Mumford
    Marie Mumford added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Marvin "Pete" Hokom:
  • David Petzold
    David Petzold added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Marvin "Pete" Hokom:
  • David Petzold
    David Petzold added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Marvin "Pete" Hokom:
  • Amy Donnellan
    Amy Donnellan added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Marvin "Pete" Hokom:
    80th Birthday celebration with friends
  • Philip Liang
    Philip Liang added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Marvin "Pete" Hokom:
  • Aimee Arrieta
    Amy, your dad was a warm, kind, and calm presence, always making me feel at home and at ease at your house in Newark. Love and hugs to you and your family.
  • Sam Donnellan
    Papa Pete was a truly amazing person to me, my family, and my friends. I knew him for 13 years and never once witnessed him disrespecting anyone or anything in any possible way. Papa Pete was an incredible teacher - he taught me many things about life...  more
  • Craig Reynolds
    I liked Mr. Hokom a lot back in high school (I was MEHS class of 1971) and was happy we reconnected a year or two ago on facebook. He was a great teacher and a very nice person. His wife Dena Ruble was a favorite teacher of my older sister.
  • Branden Shunn Raleigh
    Mr. Hokom was a brilliant teacher. I despised math and had given up when I had the privilege of being in his statistics class my senior year. Math really only had meaning to me that year and it was due in large part to his style of teaching. He has...  more
  • Mary Ann OToole
    Pete and I were colleagues at Mt. Eden and remained friends for all these years. Pete was a wonderful Math teacher not only teaching advanced math but he also excelled at teaching students struggling with Math. I will miss cocktails in Pete’s...  more
    • Mary Ann OToole
      Amy Donnellan Thank you Mary Ann. He really looked forward to those birthday celebrations!
      • June 21, 2019
  • Jim Grissom
    Mr. Hokom was the most engaging math teacher I ever had!
    Always a gentleman and very witty to boot.
    My condolences to his family and friends.
    This world has lost a great spirit!
  • Jim Grissom
    Jim Grissom added 2 photo(s) to the memorial Marvin "Pete" Hokom:
  • Cathy Finck
    A wonderful friend. I will miss our visits and having tea together. Ramsgate will never be the same.
    • Cathy Finck
      Amy Donnellan He looked forward to your visits and always told me about them. Thank you for always being such a great friend and neighbor.
      • June 21, 2019
  • Michael Campbell
    Mr. Hokum was hands-down my favorite math teacher, and perhaps, one of my favorite teachers overall, at Mt. Eden High School. He was funny, kind and extremely patient. His enthusiasm for math was infectious, and he made learning fun. Rest in peace, sir...  more
  • Liesel Carlson
    We have been fortunate to know "Papa Pete" through his many trips to East Lansing to visit Amy and family. My first memory of Papa Pete was from 12 years ago when he revealed himself as a "baby whisperer" soothing the worried...  more
    • Liesel Carlson
      Amy Donnellan I will never forget that! The baby whisperer..
      • June 21, 2019
  • Amy Donnellan
    Live Your Life - Chief Tecumseh (Poem)

    So live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart.
    Trouble no one about their religion;
    respect others in their view, and demand that they respect yours.

    Love your life,
    perfect your...  more
  • Brent Donnellan
    I had the privilege of knowing Pete/Marvin since 1991 when Amy and I first became a couple. (I still don’t know if I should call him Pete or Marvin or Mr. Hokom so I will vacillate throughout even though I jokingly called him “Petey” quite a bit). ...  more
  • Amy Donnellan
    Amy Donnellan changed the profile picture of the channel Marvin "Pete" Hokom: