Memorial Created By
Dan Segedin

Marcus Paul Kalei Segedin

July 16, 1996 - September 03, 2021

We created this memorial to celebrate the life of Marcus Paul Kalei Segedin. The stories, comments, pictures, videos, and memories collected here will offer us great comfort. No gifts or flowers please - your additions to this Memorial are the greatest gift. Thank you.

Marcus was the little kid who made us remove spiders from our house rather than kill them, and who protected his little sister at the top of the playground slide.  He loved animals, especially his many cats.  He liked to draw fierce dragons, build with blocks, and make sand castles on the beach.  He later became adept at chess, and played classical piano.    In high school, he was the procrastinating student who somehow always...  see more
5,303 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Dan Segedin
    Happy Birthday Marcus. It is impossible to imagine how much I miss you and wish you were here. To remember and honor you, my dear Son, I have done some giving to causes that reflect who you were.

    Photo 1: To Marin Community Clinics to provide...  more
  • Dan Segedin
    Another poster board of wonderful memories (thanks again to Nina!). I love all the photos, but have a special fondness for the biking shots. Your big smile on one of your first rides up Mount Tam, your grin after a very muddy ride, the thumbs up, and...  more
  • Heidi Segedin
    Precious memories of you always thinking of you ❤️‍🩹
  • Heidi Segedin
  • Heidi Segedin
    A flower with prayers and kisses sent out for you dear Marcus on 1/1/22 that truly glowed
  • Heidi Segedin
    Beautiful collage ❤️❤️❤️ Beautiful Marcus
  • Dan Segedin
    Dear Marcus,
    It is New Year's Day. There is a lot of pain. I miss you more than words can express. The collage below (thank you for your help Nina) brings some smiles and moves me a little closer to peace. You lived a full life. Well done bud. I...  more
  • Heidi Segedin
    Merry Christmas my precious love Marcus. Your light and being are with me every moment ❤️✨💫
  • Dan Segedin
    Happy days. Thinking of you Bud.
  • Dan Segedin
  • Heidi Segedin
  • Danielle Albano
    My deepest condolences Heidi and Dan.
  • Danielle Albano
  • Heidi Segedin
  • Heidi Segedin
    Honoring Marcus on The Day of The Dead 11/1/21
  • Heidi Segedin
  • Dan Segedin

    Too young to remember
    When I saw a cloudy face
    Gushing warm and smiling
    Each word left a trace
    Who was blowing pretty sounds into my ears
    Tracing me with little tears of joy

    Later faces weren’t so loving
    I did what I...  more
  • Dan Segedin
    Too Young to Remember
  • Kristin Jordeth
    I just finished watching the recording of the beautiful tribute to Marcus and want to extend my deepest condolences to Heidi, Dan, Nina, and the rest of Marcus’s family and friends. I knew Marcus in his very early years and babysat him several times a...  more
  • Heidi Segedin
  • Heidi Segedin
    I want to thank, with all my heart, every single one who shared our memories with Marcus. It will stay within us forever ❤️❤️❤️❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹💫💫💫☮️
  • Heidi Segedin
  • Justin Roach
    Dan and Heidi,
    That was a beautiful and profoundly moving tribute to Marcus yesterday. He was an amazing young man who was clearly loved deeply by his family and by all who had the privilege to know him well. I cannot begin to understand the anguish you...  more
    • Justin Roach
      Heidi Segedin Dearest Justin, this is the most touching post and I cannot thank you enough
      • September 28, 2021
  • Nancy Spellman
    I grieve for your collective loss of a beautiful young man, a son, stepson, brother and friend. He left this planet far too soon, creating a chasm in his wake. Reading the posts about him brought me to tears, and I wish I had been able to talk to him...  more
  • Natalie Breuner
    Hey Marcus,

    You clearly left quite the impression on everyone you met, creating a ripple effect of love that spread far and wide. I was one of the ones who was on the side of knowing you as a tender, sweet, sensitive goofball. It was such a pleasure...  more
    • Natalie Breuner
      Heidi Segedin This means so much Natalie, more than you can imagine, thank you ❤️
      • September 28, 2021
  • Geraldine  MacKenzie
    Marvelous, remarkable Marcus, you will be missed but never forgotten. You lived life well Such an honor to have known you. My sincere condolences to those you left behind, the beautiful Segedin clan.
  • Julia Violich
    So much love for my sweet boy Marcus. Coaching has so many rewards, but it is a labor of love...but coaching Marcus and being a beacon for him was pure joy. There wasn't anything I would not do for him ~ he gave so much more than he received. Marcus...  more
  • Luke Armstrong
    When I arrived at Kent Middle School in 6th grade, I was an awkward, lanky kid who liked to play Age of Empires. You were too, and we quickly bonded over our individual quirkiness, various hobbies, and of course our mutual love of a good debate. I was...  more
    • Luke Armstrong
      Heidi Segedin Dear dear Luke reading this will be treasured by me forever
      • September 28, 2021
  • Leif Carlson
    Marcus, you were a second older brother to me growing up. Even though I was younger, you always would offer to include me when you and Anders would hangout. I remember all the family dinners we would have, and the pounds of pasta we would eat before...  more
  • Ian  Lewitz
    Marcus, I’ve been struggling the past couple of weeks with what to write. I can’t seem to get what’s in my head down on paper so instead of trying to find the right words, I figured sharing some of my memories of you would be best.

    I hadn’t...  more
  • Jonel Elias
    I’ll always remember the time Marcus played music for me on his guitar at Heidi’s house! He loved sharing his music with others and shined brightly while he played with a big smile on his face. What struck me when I first met him was his impeccable...  more
  • Adam Loo
    Hey Marcus, thinking back to Bacich, Kent and Redwood, I'm reminded why all the photos of us together were at the beginning or the end of MTB races. You were always so far ahead, I could never keep up on the trail! Even in college when I briefly visited...  more
  • Anders Carlson
    Marcus my brother. During our time growing up you were my best friend. Starting in kindergarten all the way through when we parted ways to go off to college it felt as though we were attached at the hip. I remember playing computer games when we were...  more
    • Anders Carlson
      Patty Carlson I will never forget Anders' first day of kindergarten when he came home bursting with happiness and said, "Mom!! I have a NEW BEST FRIEND!!" And best friends you were! It was beautiful to watch you two boys grow up into fine young men - all the kind...  more
      • September 22, 2021
  • Patty Carlson
    Marcus, it seems like only yesterday that you, your mom, Nina, Anders, Leify and me were meeting AGAIN (it must have been a Tuesday!) at California Pizza Kitchen. You were like my third son. I loved how our families celebrated together the (many)...  more
  • Dan Segedin
    Marcus, Remember juxtapositions? Here's one for you. Thousands of biking miles between these two shots!
  • Rhonda Felicity
    Marcus, the brightest flicker of candlelight, blown out by a sigh…far too soon. Peace to you now, riding, swimming, and singing with your angels.
  • Jonah Jimenez
    Having a discussion about heat transfer after a day at the office. You will be missed.
  • Joan Roulac
    Marcus - I wonder if you know how much you were loved? I feel as if in reading the wonderful comments written to honor you here that I am getting to know the real you for the first time.

    When I think of you, I think of holiday celebrations where we'd...  more
  • Nancy  Treat
    Marcus, a kind, soul resting in peace, you will be missed. Words fail as to how sorry we (All the Treats) are for the Segedin family loss. Our hearts, love, and support will be with you always.
  • Skip Lovelady
    Such sad news. Marcus is an Eternal Member of the Honors Biomed Class at Redwood HS, and will always be remembered for his positive attitude and positive contributions to the Biomed family.
  • David and Jenny Thomson
    Marcus -

    We first met when you were just a couple years old. Later we loved hearing about, and following from afar, your incredible mountain biking career. And of course we enjoyed seeing you in Seattle for your summer engineering gig. Unlike the...  more
  • Michele Duffy
    Dear Marcus, I met you when you were about nine years old. As a little boy, you were always so bright, inquisitive and funny. I remember you would say truly earnest things - so unexpected for being so young :) with that sweet little face. I would...  more
  • Susan Kroft
    Dear Marcus, I have known you from afar since your birth through your Nana Judy as well as your Mom whom I’ve known since she was 5 years old. It’s warming and loving to read everyone’s stories and see the photos. I loved seeing you singing and...  more
  • Christina Ford
    What an honor to know you and meet your wonderful mom and sister. You are so loved by so many people. You brought people together through your love of music and your pure determination. You will be missed and always remembered.
  • Kari Hagerman
    Dearest Marcus,
    You were such a precious baby. We all adored you. As a toddler I remember you as an inquisitive active participant in nature at your Grandpa and my home. Your parents used to keep you in what they referred to as a “ zone” just to...  more
  • Kari Hagerman
  • David Nash
    I am deeply saddened to hear the tragic news about Marcus. He was a wonderful student in my Honors Physics class at Redwood High School. I remember his enthusiasm for learning about mechanics, not for the grade, but for the genuine joy of learning and...  more
  • Judy Hutchinson
    My darling, darling Marcus,
    My heart is broken that you have left so soon.
    (You are still with us,) (I realize that’s not logical!!)
    You live in my heart. I love you infinity.
    Your Nana
  • Heidi Segedin
    • Heidi Segedin
      Patty Carlson Such a "Marcus" face!!! They're darling!!!
      • September 22, 2021
  • Heidi Segedin
    Marcus and Nuku together 20 years ❤️