• Spencer Morton Celebration of Life

    May 16, 2021, 1:00 PM US/Mountain

Memorial Created By
Steven Cole

John Spencer Morton

June 15, 1982 - May 10, 2021

We created a memorial to celebrate the life of John Spencer Morton. Collecting your stories and memories here will offer us great comfort. Please continue to check this website often for the most updated information.

"Eventually, all things merge into one, and a river runs through it. The river was cut by the world's great flood and runs over rocks from the basement of time. On some of the rocks are timeless raindrops. Under the rocks are the words, and some of the words are theirs."We created a memorial to celebrate the life of John Spencer Morton. Collecting your stories and memories here will offer us great comfort. Please continue to check this...  see more
15,610 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Derek Graddock
  • Colie ODonnell
    The final release

    One last time, he held his beautiful fish, his gentle hands suspending her at waters edge, between life and death, their hearts mingled for a time, and then he released her, back to her home, and he slipped away into the snowy night,...  more
  • Sandy and Don Simonds
    The Morton Family has been in our thoughts since the tragic loss of Spencer. We remember driving Spencer and Sam to countless early morning hockey games followed by a mad dashes to make the first runs of a ski ski races that Spencer usually won. He was...  more
  • Doug Owen
    My many trips to JH were always highlighted by my bonding with Spencer, as the images of the Tetons are forever etched in my mind so will the fond memories of Spencer be etched in my Heart. Thank you for watching over Travis for me , as a roommate and...  more
  • Brad Benedict
  • Danny Weber
    Always and forever champions!
  • Chris Olsen
    Spencer was a light and beacon for living every moment of life. His energy and passion is boundless and just addicting. Really glad our paths crossed. My love to JH, family and friends .
  • Terry Owen-Hirchak
    Thank you God for giving us such a kind and loving soul. We will never know why he left us so soon, but we will always remember what he brought to this world. Be sure he has a fully stocked stream up there! 🥰
  • Bill Driscoll
    So sorry to hear the news, and passing along condolences to Spencer’s family out west and in VT. So many great memories from way back, here’s a photo of Captain Spencer with his Squirt hockey team! Condolences to his whole family, gone too soon
  • Katie Wilson
    💛 HUGS.
  • Scott McEnaney
    Spencer was such a valuable partner for Orvis Adventures. Always there to help. Always looking to provide the best possible experience. Spencer once hosted me on a visit to Jackson and I will always remember the time we spent together. Such a great...  more
  • Bridger Call
  • Bob Corran
    Spencer touched the lives of so many people. His spirit and enthusiasm for life was uplifting to all around him. His kindness made the world a better place. His love of family was a lesson for all to follow.

    During his time as a student-athlete at...  more
  • Lou Lou Goss-Woliner
  • Richard Smiles
    We are so sorry to hear about Spencer’s passing. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends.
    Richard and Carolyn Smiles
  • Maggie Radford
    Bob and I have a special memory of Spencer teaching our grandson, Sam, the finer points of bugs and flies last summer on his 12th birthday. Spencer, a gifted and patient teacher, taught 6 members of our family how to fly fish...and how to enjoy the...  more
  • Emily Coombs
  • Emily Coombs
  • Emily Coombs
    Spenser is my son David’s favorite ski coach during his many years with the ski club.
    When I last saw Spenser in March skiing with his 1 year old son, he asked me all about when David first skied with his father Doug.

    This is just so tragic and...  more
  • Christopher Nadai
    Thinking of your family as you all gather in a place Spencer loved so much. Hearing the news, it seems unimaginable to bear this heartbreak. Life slowed to a halt that sunny spring day —each moment then treasured with my family.

    I have memories of...  more
  • Henry Holmes
    I worked for Spence for two summers at JHFFS, one of the most formative periods of my life. He trusted me to run drift boat trips early on and I never wanted to let him down. Spence was the type of guy that would give you the shirt off his back. He...  more
  • Mercedes Edge
    I had the honor of spending time with Spence at Westminster and UVM. Always a smile on his face...the most genuine, kind, and all around lovely human being! At UVM we remained friends, I always loved that we had those Westy memories in common!...I was...  more
  • Andy Corran
    I was fortunate enough to live with Spence in college and play hockey with him at UVM. Spence was one of the first teammates I met and since he was the mayor of the city, he took me in and showed me the ropes. Though hockey was a huge part of our lives,...  more
  • Mary Lee Scarff
  • Will Mook
    Spencer no doubt was a talented, hard working, knowledgeable, and friendly guide/outfitter in our community. Of all the fishing guides at the boat ramp, Spencer was one who I would always walk across the parking lot to say hi to. I’ll miss his...  more
  • Todd Stiles
    Spencer became an outfitter with us here on the Bridger-Teton National Forest in 2018 after he competed for, and was awarded a special use permit to provide fly fishing trips up on Pacific Creek, Buffalo Fork River, Blackrock Creek, and Spread Creek. ...  more
  • Christian Lehner
    Here are a few of Spencer’s many achievements. Please post any more from the many I missed.
  • Spencer Long
    I didn't know Spencer well, but we had a lot of mutual friends who spoke very highly of him. I got the chance to fish with him 1/2 day with some journalists in June 2017, and wound up catching the biggest cutthroat of my life! The 2 of us could barely...  more
  • Walt Moore
  • Walt Moore
    What a loss
    I remember meeting Spencer and knowing right away he was a great guy. Always up for helping out for a good cause and a talented guy all around. I’ll miss you friend.
  • Peggy Smith
    Spenser was always the kid who ran around annoying all his older sisters and their friends. We were all relieved Spenser was born, so Carrie did not have to have 5 girls to contend with. Spenser was the kid that everyone liked and was always full of...  more
  • Caroline Baker
    Two proud Stowe boys with their boys ❤️❤️❤️
  • Mollie Miller
    These photos of Spencer were taken at a fly fishing club on the Gaula River in Norway in June of 2013. Spencer was working as a salmon fishing guide and we were visiting our eldest, who was also working there. On his day off Spencer offered to teach me...  more
  • Leah Boswell
    Spence in Whitefish, MT
  • Leah Boswell
    Spence, the amateur fisherman...
  • Leah Boswell
    Spence, the artist (2003, 2001)...
  • Leah Boswell
    Spence, a young summer in Idaho...
  • Leah Boswell
    Spence in his college years part 2...(he loved that bear claw necklace and always wanted the opportunity to wrestle a bear. If given the opportunity, I believe he may have won).
  • Leah Boswell
    Spence in his college years...he made the bar top (first of many wood creations) for his first class doing river bank restoration)...
    • Leah Boswell
      Tara O'Donnell Leah, thank you so much for sharing these. What a gift. Sending you love and hugs. -Tara (Spence’s cousin)
      • May 13, 2021
  • Leah Boswell
    Spence in his Highschool years part 2...
  • Leah Boswell
    Spence in his Highschool years...
  • Dustin Stolp
    Bradley lake Full moon skate.
  • Tara O'Donnell
    Spencer was kind, considerate, and observant from when he was a small child, and those qualities stuck with him as he grew into an impressive leader in his communities. When I moved west and drove through Jackson on my way across the country, Spencer...  more
  • Chris Donza
  • Lou Lou Goss-Woliner
  • Valeria Kantakevich
  • Valeria Kantakevich
  • Bridger Call
    Bridger Call added 1 photo(s) to the memorial John Spencer Morton:
  • Kim Leslie
  • Bridger Call