• Memorial Celebration for Jennifer Dubow

    Feb 16, 2020, 2:00 PM US/Eastern

Memorial Created By
Gail Deutsch

Jennifer Dubow

August 02, 1974 - November 15, 2019

This online memorial was created as a space to celebrate the life of Jennifer Dubow. Collecting your stories, memories and photographs here will offer her family and friends great comfort. Thank you for contributing to this lasting memorial.

Jennifer Dawn Dubow 08/02/1974 - 11/15/2019 It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of Jennifer Dawn Dubow. Jennifer Dubow was born in Queens, New York on August 2, 1974  to Lawrence and Estelle Dubow. She attended “Crocheron” Public School 41 and “Marie Curie” Middle School 158 in Bayside, NY, Townsend Harris High School located at Queens College in Flushing, NY, and she graduated from Cornell University in 1996,...  see more
12,904 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Kim Nguyen-Taylor
    I met Jen during our junior year at Cornell, when I started waitressing some evenings at Little Joe’s, an Italian eatery in college town. I felt a bit intimidated on my first day, as the restaurant was a loud, bustling place, but that changed quickly...  more
  • Gail Deutsch
    I wanted to share this link from the Compass Center for Women and Families. They recently honored Jennifer by introducing the Jennifer Dubow Volunteer of the Year award. Here are more details about their Empowering Journeys luncheon and the first...  more
    Empowering Journeys 2020 | Compass Center | | Chapel Hill , Nort
  • Carrie Spivack Nyvall
    I went to High School with Jen. We reconnected somewhat online. I wish we had reconnected more. There were many days back in High School that Jen helped to make better and brighter for me. She was a wonderful listener, had the best advice, was my...  more
  • Tom Yufik
    There are few occasions when you meet a person who strengthens and enlightens the world around her by her presence. When I moved to Austin in 2012 and became sick with a terrible flu, Jen was the only one who volunteered to come to my apartment with...  more
  • Erik Kristiansen
    I first met Jen in 2005 during a Summer school prep session for UNC Kenan-Flagler business school. We were both there as recovering liberal arts majors with no formal backgrounds to learn the basics.

    Jen and I hit it off immediately over our mutual...  more
  • Divya and Rahoul Sawani
    Jen had the sunniest smile and disposition in our class. She was one of the few women who had no inhibitions and engaged with people from all backgrounds and race. And she was the one who always reached out. People like her are rare and she has left a void.
  • Serena Vaz
    I have been trying to remember the exact moment that Jen and I became friends but I can't place it. But from the time I can remember, I remember Jen as a close friend. It had to be instantaneous. I was a misfit in business school and she embraced me and...  more
  • Rikki SaNogueira
    What I remember most is her shining Neshama. She had a kind, generous spirit that shone though.
  • Jennifer Hult
    My family moved to Durham in 2014. It was a transition as we moved from a large city. My daughter was 10 at the time and our funny french bulldog, Rose, was 4. During our walks around the neighborhood we met Jen. From day one it was like we had known...  more
  • Bret Kadison
    Jen was an amazing woman who I was lucky to have the opportunity to meet almost immediately after moving back to Austin. She made a lasting impact in the community through her good works, such as helping create a "Shabbat Next Door" community...  more
  • David Bernay
    I met Jen in 2008 through the Jewish community in Raleigh-Durham. I'll always remember hanging at Jen's apartment in Chapel Hill for Shabbats or birthday celebrations. I used to tease Jen about feeding her dogs a very special raw food diet, but that...  more
  • Rick Osowski
    Similar to Janine, I worked with Jen back in the 2007-2008 timeframe at IBM. Her first words to me were "I'm a perfectionist. You'll learn that quickly working with me." But all that meant was that, in a place often saddled with people doing the bare...  more
  • Janine Sneed
    I worked with Jen in IBM around 2007. Jen was so full of life: her contagious smile and laugh, her stories, and her lovable dogs. I have so many great memories of Jen. She came to my baby shower - 12 hours away from Chapel Hill, and it was such a...  more
  • Cristina Carretero
    I worked with her back at IBM I believe it was 2008 or so. She was great to work with so energetic, full of ideas. We also had a lot of fun when going to events. I remember when she moved to Austin for a bit. I think that was the last time I saw her when...  more
  • Sherry Jones
    I met Jennifer soon after I moved to Durham at a networking event. She joined my hiking group and we went only weekly walks for many months. I am devastated that she has left us. I will think of her everytime I'm at Eno or walking the Al Buehler trail....  more
  • Lori Hill
    Jen and I met in 2015. I don't even remember the getting to know her, it just feels like we were instantly good friends. As many have shared, Jen was so bright and so insightful and had such a beautiful smile (those dimples!!). When my husband was in the...  more
  • Shawn Ramsey
    Jen had a beautiful smile, a brilliant mind, and a kind heart. I just wish she could have seen herself as I, and I am sure many others, did. I met her initially at a networking event, but we quickly bonded over dogs, walks in nature and exploration of...  more
  • Jennifer Moore
    This is Jennifer Moore (Maria Adams is an alias to hide from Facebook). Day's tribute to Jennifer rings very true for me. I have known her since 2007 and we worked together at IBM. She was so supportive and caring to me as the new person on the team. She...  more
  • Madison N. Garcia
    I met Jennifer a little over a year ago after moving to Durham. She responded to a post I had written on a regional networking list serve and invited me to coffee -- I think we ended up talking for about 2.5 hours. In a short time, she thoughtfully...  more
  • Attorney Heather Hazelwood
    I met Jennifer earlier this year through a local group for women business owners. She was a kind, generous, compassionate, and intelligent person and someone I knew I could turn to for solid advice. I'm terribly saddened about this news and send...  more
  • Karen  Schnelwar
    I met Jen freshman year at college through our mutual friend, Gail (her story is below). One word that describes Jen, which is part of what makes this news so hard to believe: present. Jen was always present, and she had a very strong, very memorable...  more
  • Day Howell
    I met Jennifer in a fb group a couple of years ago or so. The second she showed up, I friended her. I could see she was someone I wanted to know. She was a fierce friend. She was always the first person to reach out with support or applause. If I...  more
  • Jocelyn Roth
    I met Jen when we both went to interview with Anderson consulting when we were in college. We met during the day and then went out for dinner after and had the best time. We kept in touch and both ended up working there together the next fall. She was...  more
  • Syd Clarke
    I also met Jennifer through the women's group that Jan mentioned. She came to a potluck on my porch and later came over to swim. We talked about how we just liked to hang out, not necessarily around an activity. I'm retired and have plenty of free time....  more
  • Jan Bond
    I first met Jennifer in April, 2019. She had replied to a message I'd posted on an online forum about a local women's group. Jen seemed to be emerging from a period of isolation, making efforts to get out and about and to engage with others again. It was...  more
  • Stephanie Sailor
    I will always remember Jen's love of volleyball and reading. She had a huge smile, a great laugh, and an unbelievable memory. Jen, I hope you are relaxing at peace above us with a great book in your hand. Xo
  • Jessica Shapiro
    Jen and I met in the summer of 1986 as first year campers at Camp Watitoh. We immediately connected once realizing we shared the same (August 2) birthday. We had twin dimples and also shared a passion for volleyball (she had a killer serve!). We spent...  more
    • Jan Bond and Gail Deutsch reacted on this.
    • Jessica Shapiro
      Leah Harris Jen and I were also an Aug 2 birthday, and we also talked about having dimples. Wow! This makes me smile.
      • December 27, 2019
  • Gail Deutsch
    I met Jen freshman year of Cornell, in 1992. I was walking on North Campus trying to find my Psych 101 class. I asked a girl nearby - "Do you know where Bailey Hall is?" It was the enormous building directly in front of me. The girl was Jen - she...  more
    • Gail Deutsch
      Day Howell Your words allow me to know her better. Thank you. I can see every single image you speak of. They make me smile, thinking of her the way you describe. A friend said this to me the other day "The greater the Light, the greater the Dark." Jennifer is a...  more
    • Gail Deutsch
      Gail Deutsch Thank you very much. I am so glad they made you smile. I knew her when her light shone particularly bright. I really like that idea of her as a great Light shining from a different perspective now
    • Gail Deutsch
      Jan Bond Many thanks for the contributions from those of you who knew Jennifer in healthier and happier times. For friends far away who may have been wondering: Jennifer told me that she had largely given up use of social media and even disliked checking email or...  more
    • Gail Deutsch
      Karen Schnelwar This is really beautiful, Gail. A spot-on portrait of a good soul and a one-of-a-kind.
      • December 1, 2019