
Charitable Donations in Honor of Ira Kalb
Select a charity of your choice or another one that was personally meaningful to Ira Kalb
Memorial Created By
Rita Harowitz

Ira Kalb

April 19, 1948 - August 12, 2020

We created a GatheringUs memorial to celebrate the life of Ira Kalb. Collecting your stories and memories here will offer us great comfort. As we plan virtual and in person gatherings, we will share details here. Thank you for contributing to this lasting memorial.

Ira Sidney Kalb was born in Trenton, New Jersey, and died at age 72 at his home in Santa Monica. His father, Morris, died when Ira was a toddler, and he and his mother lived in Trenton until Ira was a young teen, when they moved to Santa Monica to be closer to family. His mother died just a few years later, and Ira, who was still in high school, moved in with the Rosenberg family—his sister Helen, brother-in-law Milton, and their...  see more
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Posts & Photos

  • Taleen Khatchadourian
    Ira did not like the book choices for our marketing class, so he wrote his own. His practical advice made it easier to learn the practical aspects we needed to better understand the field we would be entering. He then pushed me to take an internship I...  more
  • Michael Kamins
    In the great synagogue in Rome is an oil painting of a rabbi, painted probably two hundred years ago. Ira's students went there and sent him an image of that painting, and at dinner at my house a few years ago, he showed me that image. The rabbi was...  more
  • Bobby borg
    So happy that Ira and I got a chance to do these interviews together just a few weeks before his passing. Little did anyone of us know! I considered him a friend! Here is one link:
    Topic: Ad Copy Tips For Musicians. Learn 7 Tips to creating ads that will save your time and money. Guest: USC Professor Ira Kalb. Time: 8:56. Recorded at USC Annenberg. Benefit: Helping music business professionals turn art into a more successful busin...
  • Sharon Mualem
    I first met Ira in 1971 while we were at UCLA. Our mutual friends introduced us hoping we would be interested in each other but our different tastes in Barbra Streisand's music did not leave a good first impression. Since then, we remained good friends...  more
  • Sami Linnainmaa
    I must say it was a bit of a shock to find this memorial after wondering for some time why I hadn't heard back from Ira in a long while. Although I was well aware of his illnesses - including also at least one very close encounter with death already a...  more
    • Sami Linnainmaa
      Elaine Schwartz Sami I remember you from Rico when you worked with Karen Hostetter tracking down and compiling all the data research for Ira that he needed. This was such a sad shock to learn of Ira's passing; I believe that Ira's insights helped the company greatly. If...  more
      • October 11, 2020
  • stella grey
    I want to express my deepest condolences to Ira's family and to all friends who morn his passing and whom he cherished so much.
    Our family left the USSR and landed in Los Angeles in 1990. We were lucky to cross paths with Esther Krisman soon after our...  more
  • Betty Carmona
    I was introduced to Ira through friends. I had returned from Israel and was living in West Los Angeles and my good friend Carol introduced us. First impressions mean a lot, and if he was a friend of Carol's, then I knew he was a good, decent and loyal...  more
  • Frank Blair
    Ira was a very good friend, a colleague, a true pal.

    We met for breakfast on many Saturday mornings at 9:00 a.m. (“It’s 9:04….Frank”, upon my arrival); usually at Milo & Olive, The Fig, or A Votre Sante. He loved a good meal and...  more
  • Jim Jaworski
    I will miss Ira very much. He has been a great friend to me for the past 45 years. I met Ira at Arthur Andersen & Co in Los Angeles around 1975 and we continued our friendship after I moved to the Bay Area in 1977. He was in my wedding party and...  more
  • Carol Shapiro
    Ira was a friend for about 50 years - we met in college. He was intelligent and creative - a very good artist and musician, and I'm sure he'd wag his finger at me if I didn't add a smart businessman. I loved his oldies band. I can't hear Rockin' Robin...  more
  • Valerie Folkes
    Ira's passing is such a loss to his many friends and former students at USC. Ira's determination to continue teaching while being treated for cancer is a testament to his dedication. Though he suffered, he maintained his composure and his priorities to...  more
  • Alice Sheth
    I'm so sorry and send my heartfelt condolences to Ira's family, and all of his close friends. He was what I would call a true gentleman. A full life, often with notable accomplishments, but most of all, a caring individual who made so many of us feel...  more
  • michael miller
    I went to school with Ira in Trenton, remembering particularly when we were together in junior high school..he was always in the "smart" class, so he was secretly esteemed as "one of those" really bright guys. While I was trying...  more
  • Esther Krisman
    On this site, I posted a photo of Ira, probably from 1974, hanging out at my apartment with friends. I met Ira when I jointed UCLA Students for Israel,— and of course he was President. I have known him for 50 years. Hard to believe how time goes by...  more
  • Esther Krisman
    Esther Krisman added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Ira Kalb:
  • Doris Meunier
    I will always remember how he use to stop by the office to get his cinnamon candy from our office on Fridays, picking-up food from our seminars, always saving him a piece of pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving and Christmas (since November 2016) and having his...  more