The memorial organizer requested donations in honor of Elizabeth Norris


Support the family & Memorial Fund (Scholarship, Dedication, etc.).

Thank you so much for the outpouring of love and support to the family at this time. Many of you have asked how you might help and have showed up with your hugs, food and help around the house. We are so grateful. In lieu of flowers, we are opening this link to help channel any support to a family fund which will support Esme and Jack and their future education. Much love.

Raised $11,053
  Contributors (58)
You can also select a charitable cause that is personally meaningful to you or one that was important to Elizabeth Norris
Memorial Created By
Amerin Falk

Elizabeth Norris

Celebration of Life - Elizabeth Norris Community Memorial Set for September 15th, 2019 at 10 AM As a teen, Elizabeth spent many days and nights hiking and hanging out in Sibley, with her life long friends- old and new. As a mom, she was passionate about sharing her love of our amazing east bay parks...  see more

As a teen, Elizabeth spent many days and nights hiking and hanging out in Sibley, with her life long friends- old and new.  As a mom, she was passionate about sharing her love of our amazing east bay parks and hiking trails, so she started a hiking group called the Wild Things, and brought that magic to our children and so many of their friends and families.   With that passion and her joy in kind, we all thought it was fitting to...  see more
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