Memorial Created By
Lucia Soppe

Dr. Donna M.Starita

June 27, 1953 - March 17, 2019

This is a place to celebrate Donna. We would love to see your pictures, hear your stories and read about your memories.

On Sunday March 17 2019 unexpectedly and suddenly Donna passed away. Her family, friends and employees are missing her greatly. This is a place where you can share your stories about Donna, your experiences with her, your pictures and/or videos. A place to commemorate and celebrate the bright spirit that she always was and still is.
4,040 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • S Philbrook
    Donna, forever loved and grateful for your presence, guidance and love to our family and pets. An amazing light and trusted soul...
  • Patty  Duncan
    Donna was a dear sweet friend I met in college. We had lots of fun in and out of college. She was a blast to go out dancing with, gave compliments freely and gave of her time and help.
    I will miss her dearly.
    Patty Duncan
  • Ana Azizkhani
    I am just finding about this incredibly unbelievable news. I am heartbroken. I just called to leave a message about making an appointment for my dog Ella and got a message about a non working number. There is no one that can replace Donna. She was the...  more
  • Carla Meeske
    I must have been off planet, but I just learned of Donna's passing today. Donna and I met maybe 20 years ago with IAATH - an association of alternative healers and therapists for animals, which sought cred with the DVM community. We worked very hard...  more
  • Ralph Gardner
    Donna was a dear friend for several years. We met at a healing event and had that immediate connection as will happen with special people we meet in life. I found her to be a very dedicated, tireless and devoted healing practitioner whose heart was...  more
  • Blanche Hill
    I met Donna when I became a Dynamite Specialty Products distributor in the early 90's. I learned so much from her that still is an important part of my healing/health philosophy and beliefs. I consulted with her many times by phone over the years for...  more
  • Lucia Soppe
    Posting for Debie Garner:

    Over twenty years ago, I chanced upon a naturopathic vet named Donna Mehan. I wanted to care for my kitty Lia in a more natural and wholistic way. Donna gave us immeasurable help, care and support for Lia, Koko and our now 18...  more
  • William Indek
    This is not from William Indek, but from Lynda N. Indek. Donna was amazing I feel her presence in my house in New Jersey. And I miss her more than anyone else I have lost.We did meet once for coffee at the Verona Diner one New Year's Eve and talked for...  more
  • Morgine Jurdan
    Condensed rest of my post not shown....

    The first time I remember calling Donna was when my husband’s dog was stung by a wasp and having seizures and his nose was swelling by the sting. In less than 5 minutes he stopped and the swelling went down!...  more
  • Tami Chamberlain
    You will always be the brightest star. With love, Tami and Pippi
  • Melinda Lee
    I felt tremendous loss when I learned of Dr. Starita's passing. Her energy was so strong. Somehow I could always feel her energy in my corner, even after long periods of not connecting with her. She helped my cat, Poofy. She helped me. I attended...  more
  • Virginia Berg
    I am very sorry to hear this news--I knew Donna as an inspiring and caring mother, and send heartfelt condolences to her beautiful daughters. She was supportive, insightful, humorous, and a true inspiration. She loved her daughters so much, was always so...  more
  • Kristin Olsen
    I first “met” Dr. Donna back in the late 90’s through Liz Heinrich, a talented and enlightened equine massage therapist who had been referred to me through Dr. Butch Quay, an equine chiropractor. Jack, my recently purchased TB gelding had received...  more
  • Paula Bradshaw
    Paula Bradshaw:

    I never actually met Dr Donna in person, but she was always bigger than life & 100% present, for the many years of phone calls & transmissions.
    She cared for Vijay cat for 14 years, saved his life & was very present for him when it was...  more
  • Amy Kendis
    I AM SO SAD. No one can replace what Donna could do. She was magical. I first saw her at her lecture at the Clark County Horse symposium at least 20 years ago. It was then I learned about the "truth about vaccines". She helped me with 3 of...  more
  • Debi Joy
    Apart from the current deep sadness I feel at her passing, Gratitude is the first word that comes to mind when I think of Donna, followed by respect, admiration, and amazement of her intuitive work with animals and people. I trusted Donna more than any...  more
  • Bev Witherite
    I first met Donna over thirty years ago.

    She has been a good friend to me and my pets over the years. She saved my young cat who had a bad virus. Saved a box turtle named Myrtle who had a leg infection, saved my dog Niki's eyes when he was on...  more
  • kate Scrivener
    I can no longer remember when I met Donna -- she was then Dr. Meehan -- and the tangled tale of all of my personal emergencies, her profound Intelligence, her boundless love for all is too long to tell. Her death is a loss for us all, but I know that she...  more
  • Patricia Skinner
    I truly have no words to express my sadness for my and all our loss with Donna's passing. I know she is in a wonderful place continuing the light she so generously carried while here with us. I've been working with Donna since 1996 and she has...  more
  • Kyle Ziegler
    Kyle Ziegler added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Dr. Donna M.Starita:
  • Lucia Soppe
    Lucia Soppe added 3 photo(s) to the memorial Dr. Donna M.Starita:
    Donna and her horse
    Gathering items for the homeless
    Donna and her horse
  • Lucia Soppe
    Lucia Soppe added 6 photo(s) to the memorial Dr. Donna M.Starita:
  • Katharine Payne
    Katharine Payne added 3 photo(s) to the memorial Dr. Donna M.Starita:
  • Katharine Payne
    Katharine Payne added 6 photo(s) to the memorial Dr. Donna M.Starita:
  • Cheryl Turpen
    The Heavens are a little brighter because Donna’s beautiful light has returned home. I am so sorry for this sudden loss to her daughters and sister. She proudly loved you with a full heart. My heart is in sorrow with yours. I remain grateful to have...  more
    • Cheryl Turpen
      Morgine Jurdan DONNA STARITA ~ A TRIBUTE ~ from Morgine Jurdan
      Donna Starita, the “Steve Jobs, Nikola Tesla, Leonardo da Vinci, Florence Nightingale” of veterinary medicine. On the Leading Edge of a new kind of veterinary medicine, where we give less medicine,...  more
      • March 28, 2019