Memorial Created By
Joseph Bettell

David "Swanny" "Elton" Swann

Due to the current restrictions in place for funerals in the UK due to the Covid 19 outbreak this book of condolence has been organised for the living memory of David Swann. We want to create a book of condolence for David that is not only personal but also comforting to David's family. Please use the...  see more

This memorial is dedicated to the living memory of our beloved David Swann. David was many things to a great number of people; a loving, devoted and doting husband to his wife Katy; a protective, tender-hearted and very proud father to his daughter Isla; an exceptional son to his parents Sandra & John and a wise, guiding and watchful big brother to Mark. He was a true family man who would do anything for his nearest and dearest.  To his...  see more
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Posts & Photos

  • Ailsa Harris
    You were a wonder husband and father and you made Katy very happy . You will be missed but remembered in people’s hearts forever R.I.P Dave ❤️❤️❤️
  • Rhys Thomas
    Well Swanny, what can I say about you mate. Such an incredible human being, life and soul of every room, a true gent and real salt of the earth fellow. I loved your passion for everything , even Chelsea lol 😉. I'm going to miss our endless banter...  more
  • Chris Stone
    Well there is something’s you don’t think your be doing so soon and saying goodbye to one of my best mates for so many years is one of them. Swanny you was a very special person and will never be forgotten i have so many brilliant memories with you...  more
  • Jackie Knight
    Dear David ( Swanny )
    You will be sadly missed by all of our family.
    Gone but never forgotten x
    Jackie & Tony Knight xx
  • Jodie Mackenzie
    My dear amazing friend , you are going to be missed by so so many people , you are for me a piece of puzzle gone and will never be replaced. You were and always will be spoken about so loved and so fondly. You gave so many happiness laughs and a for me a...  more
  • Carly russell
    Our dearest special friend Dave (swanny)
    Still can't believe I won't see you anymore, see your rants on Facebook. Hear your voice , your advice, making me laugh, you were so good at that ...Your caring thoughtful messages to me.
    I will miss you so...  more
  • Charlotte Bergin
    To Dave – the brightest star in the sky! I can’t put into words how much I’m going to miss you. One of the most kind hearted, caring people I have ever known.

    You’ve always had me in fits of laughter, often with just one word or a funny look,...  more
  • Nicola Wright-Butler
    Remembering you is easy
    Missing you is hard
    Your Milkshake really did bring all the boys to the yard

    Caring, funny, kind and loud
    A friend to all, you did us proud

    You’ll never be forgotten and with us you’ll remain,
    until that sunny...  more
  • Sam Bird
    What can I say about my mate Dave that hasn’t already been said?
    He really did wear his heart on his sleeve. He loved his friends and family and was never happier than when he was with Katy and Isla. A big guy but an even bigger softie. Generally one...  more
  • Megan Barton
    Swanny you will be missed so much by everyone, you was such a kind, caring, amazing man. You was always making us laugh, smile. So lucky I got to meet you and you made such an impact on everyone’s lives you knew.
    Rest in peace - Lots of love Megs xxx
  • Trevor Smith
    I first met Swanny as a 12-year kid playing football, he was like the godfather even back then, everyone loved him and people would always levitate around him. I used to look up to him so much during that time, I remember feeling like he had taken me...  more
  • Luke Knight
  • Luke Knight
    Was always gonna struggle to write this and it’s taken me this long to get it as good as it will be so here goes....

    Many years we were friends and always connected over our love of football.
    I think as the years went by we always found something to...  more
  • Sophie Costa
    Swanny, there will never be words to describe how heartbroken we are. You were the kindest person I have ever met. You were selfless and cared about everybody. You completely changed the office with your bubbly personality and I will miss you so much. I...  more
  • Liam Burley
    Here goes. Lots of very fond childhood memories... Swimming on a Sunday. Watching Casualty at your’s on a Friday night. Playing Murder in the Dark or Mysteries of Old Peking! Your parties at McDonald’s where you got to pick a friend as a treat to...  more
  • Sue Mill
    Swanny, you were such a kind-hearted generous man, always joking and making everyone feel special with your caring words! I will never forget the banter we shared and laughs we had! You will be forever in our thoughts! Rest in peace, goodnight Swanny xxx
  • Anthea  Hayward
    Swanny you were the most amazing person that I ever met even though I never knew you for a long time it felt like we knew each other forever. I am so proud to have been able to call you my friend. I am going to miss all of our office banter &...  more
  • Rachel Armstrong
    Swanny what can we say.... can’t believe this is true it still doesn’t seem real, don’t think it ever will... we will always love you and never forget you. This picture is just one of So many memories, too many to mention. You really were the best...  more
  • Samantha Jane Burton
    You will be sadly missed by so many, but you will never be forgotten. Love to your family at this very sad time. Night night Swanny.
    Love Anne and Tom xxx
  • Joe Young
    David was a lovely guy and well liked by all! I had known David since school where he was a popular lad with lots of friends!
    He will be dearly missed . X
  • Mia Gaffney
    Swanny you was a great man, and will always be remembered as a funny, caring family man! You had a heart of gold and will be missed by us all! You always had everyone laughing in the office and was never a dull moment when you was around! Rest in peace swanny
  • Steph Z
    Swanny was an absolute pleasure and asset to work with and became a good friend as well as a colleague to all at Area 07 who worked closely with him. He was a hard worker, dedicated to his job and liked by anyone and everyone that met him.
    He was a...  more
  • paul okeefe
    Having to kick Swanny and my Dad out of my hotel room after Sam Birds wedding because they wouldn’t stop laughing, drinking and ripping me to pieces..... 🤣 and the strange sight of my Dad and Swanny staggering off together laughing after being told off! 🤣
  • Tina & Alan Drew
    To Our Dearest Swanny, It's hard to put it in to words how special you are to all of us. We have known you for such a long time and watch you grow from a lad to a man. Always so caring and thoughtful such a smashing person. Always enjoyed your company at...  more
  • Stephen Campbell
    He was quite the mover! Was always jealous of his dance moves! Miss you big man, I will never forget you!
  • Stephen Campbell
    Swanny, my oldest friend, I ever had, from primary school, all the way to adulthood, My best memories would be going out Saturday nights, Where he would always go up to the bar to order his Double Vodka and Red bull,then would hit the dancefloor, ready...  more
  • Holly Batters
    Swanny, I am honoured to have been your colleague and friend. Your honesty and humour will be sorely missed. H x
  • Stephanie  Zographou
    Swanny, It’s been a privilege and a pleasure to of been able to be called Your friend. You are sorely missed already! I will miss our constant banter back and forth and abuse you dished out at any opportunity which always had me in stitches. You had...  more
  • Michelle Drew
    Swanny, you was a true gentleman with a heart of gold! You was always there to listen, offer a hug or buy a house double in The Standard.
    With a huge smile, I remember our Sunday night karaoke sessions in The Standard singing to Oasis or my 30th...  more
  • Taylor Barton
    Growing up I always thought David was apart of the family, he was the life and sole of parties and never stopped making me laugh, there was also a serious and caring side to Dave, he always gave me words of wisdom and told me when I was wrong or when I...  more
  • Kylie McCarthy
    14 years ago whilst I was holidaying with my girlfriends in Zante I met a group of blokes from South London. I was a lot younger and confident and was quite happy going topless round the pool and guess who was the first one over to have a chat or a...  more
  • Steve Russell
    My best mate,my go to. Didn't matter if I needed someone to make me laugh or someone to talk to and to tell about my troubles to you was always there for me and the best friend I could ask for.Always a good listener and gave great advise and could always...  more
  • Jason Drew
    Never thought in a million years I would be writing this Dave! I have great memories, I will miss the banter, the laughs and your great one liners which I will cherish forever. I will always remember the football banter/battles over Chelsea and Arsenal....  more
  • Stephen Catling
    I never thought in a million years I would be writing this but here I go.
    My old mate Dave, Swanny and Elton.
    One in a million you was the one I could have a great laugh with dance for hours in the club and be able to talk to you if I had any...  more
  • Richard Butler
    Where do I start Swanny? My 1st memory of you was when I joined Interclass football team and you was a coach there. After a few weeks and getting to know you more, you invited me out with the boys for a night out. That’s where it all started for us and...  more
  • Billy Gartell
    Dave you was a massive character and friend since the day I first met you. I can honestly say one of the best people I have ever met and a friend full of fun and always happy to support. The loss of you will be like losing a team player and we will never...  more
  • Ben Walsh
    My fondest memories of my mate Elton are the two of us touring the many poker clubs of South West London. Swanny and I would play as much as four times a week. We would usually agree to share our winnings which suited me as he was a much better poker...  more
  • Denise Goff
    Dear David
    Remembering with fondness all the fun times at football watching our little dream team with you in goal.
    Many times freezing on the touchline.
    God bless you all .
    Lots of love
    Den ,Darren & Lee x
  • Sam Burton
    To say I’m devastated is understatement. Swanny I miss you so much already😢 I am so lucky and blessed to of known you and I will never forget how much you helped and encouraged me. Such a special and beautiful soul. Sleep tight my lovely friend❤️💙 Love Sam X
  • Dean Travers
    Swanny is was a pleasure and an honour to call you a friend.
    I will miss the laughs we all had in the standard and with colwood.
    Rest in peace my friend
    You'll be sorely missed by all
    Dean and family
  • paul okeefe
    Being woken up hungover after a friends birthday with Dave talking me into a quick 5aside charity match..... how long is it Dave? “15mins!” Which transpired into 15mins each way over x5 matches in baking heat.... 🥵
    Every time I looked at Dave I...  more
  • Joseph Bettell
    Elton at his best! Taking the piss out of me for playing up after losing chase the ace in Malia. Will miss playing cards with you bud. Will miss many things about you, but will especially miss your one of a kind sense of humour. Go well and easy Dave x x
    • Dean Travers reacted on this.
    • Joseph Bettell
      Lorraine Raishbrook I cant believe I'm actually writing this, it's just not right! Theres so much I could say about you swanny as you were the most funniest, kindest man i ever knew. Back in the day at the wandle, drinking in the standard and just having the best time. We...  more
      • June 14, 2020