• Daddy's Home-Going Service

    Nov 27, 2019, 2:00 PM US/Eastern

Memorial Created By
Shermalon Kirby

Clement Elsworth Gilbert Snr

September 25, 1932 - November 14, 2019

We created a GatheringUs memorial to celebrate the life of our beloved Clement Elsworth Gilbert Snr. Collecting your stories and memories here will offer us great comfort. As we plan gatherings, we will post invites. Remember to RSVP to help us plan. Thank you for contributing to this lasting memorial.

SHUT IN WITH GOD As we remember daddy, we share with you his favourite hymn and it warms our heart and the pain of his no longer being with us is lessened because we know he is - Shut in With God.  Shut in with God in a secret place;There in the Spirit beholding His face;Gaining more Power to run in the race,I love to be shut in with God.Shut in with God while kneeling in prayer,Finding His Beauty and Glory there....I bow in wonder at His...  see more
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Posts & Photos

  • Sherma John
    Karina, may you and your family find comfort knowing that we will see our love ones again. Let us cherish those memories and share the love with those who are still with us. Sherma, Dominica
  • Shermalon Kirby
    Dearest Karina, May the Lord comfort you and your family in your time of loss, and may you find solace in the good memories you shared with your grandfather. My deepest sympathies. ~ Tracey Josephs, Dominica
  • Shermalon Kirby
    What?????? Mr Gilbert passed. My condolences. Lawd every Saturday I gotta go to the bottom of Tabernacle to get stuff out his garden for my granny and not to mention Sunday School. RIP Mr Gilbert. -
    Michie Flanders-Hanley
  • Shermalon Kirby
    Condolences to the entire family. He was a gift to the family. The memories will always be there. God Bless - Margaret Hutchinson
  • Shermalon Kirby
    Shermalon Kirby added 9 photo(s) to the memorial Clement Elsworth Gilbert Snr:
  • Shermalon Kirby
    To my dear grandfather Clement Gilbert Sr. Words could never describe the amazing example, the love and support you've given all of us. If I end up with an ounce of your strength, faith and conviction, I know I'll be an amazing person. Love...  more
  • Shermalon Kirby
    Shermalon Kirby added 3 photo(s) to the memorial Clement Elsworth Gilbert Snr: