The memorial organizer requested donations in honor of William Joseph Kehrer
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Memorial Created By
Robert Kehrer

William Joseph Kehrer

December 23, 1929 - July 06, 2020

We created a GatheringUs memorial to celebrate the life of William Joseph Kehrer. Collecting your stories and memories here will offer us great comfort. As we plan virtual and in person gatherings, we will share details here. Thank you for contributing to this lasting memorial.

William “Bill” Joseph Kehrer (90) was born Dec 23rd 1929 in Detroit Michigan to John Peter Kehrer and Marie Catherine Bushaw. He passed from this life in his sleep on July 6 2020 following a battle with liver cancer. He was the 4th of 5 brothers (John Peter Jr, Edward Henry, James Donald and Raymond David). He served in Korea Oct 1950-Dec 1951 in the 2nd infantry division as a cannoneer administering the care and feeding of large...  see more
501 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Robert Kehrer
    Dad and I raced his sailboat, the Sea-Nile, on Lake St Clair in Michigan and the races were often scheduled for Sundays. In the summer of 1979 we began meeting with the LDS missionaries and learning the principles of the gospel. One of the doctrines they...  more
  • Robert Kehrer
    Dad called me out to the yard once saying we needed to do some yard work. He produced a 50lb bag of grass seed containing a blend of 3 grasses with distinct looking seeds and said that we needed to seed the large yard. He produced a toothpick, went down...  more
  • Robert Kehrer
    Less than 3 weeks before his death, while deep into the pains of stage 4 liver cancer, diabetes, severe atherosclerosis, mostly non-functional knees, eyes and ears, Dad came up to Mapleton and indicated that he would like to play a round of golf. Caiden...  more
  • Robert Kehrer
    In our home in Southern Pines we just had brand new white carpet installed in the rooms and we waiting for the delivery of the new furniture. Mom was being hyper vigilant about anyone walking on the carpet with shoes or dirty feet since it was new and it...  more
  • Robert Kehrer
    When we were young our family spent a lot of fine weekends touring and camping on our sailboat. It was berthed a few miles up the Clinton river off of lake St Clair and to get out to the lake we had to motor down river past many marinas. Sailboats are...  more