Memorial Created By
Sarah Friot

Tillman Hudson

October 08, 1945 - December 19, 2013

We created a GatheringUs memorial to celebrate the life of Tillman Hudson. Collecting your stories and memories here will offer us great comfort. Click on the heart to let us know you were here and to receive email updates. Thank you for contributing to this lasting memorial.

Obituary of Tillman Hudson Little Falls: Tillman Hudson, 68, of Fords Bush Road, passed away unexpectedly on Thursday, December 19, 2013 in St. Elizabeth Medical Center, Utica. Tillman was born on October 8, 1945 in Macon, Georgia, a son of Curtis Mae Shelton. He was married to the former Patricia Ann Friot, who passed away on October 29, 2007. He entered service in the United States Army in 1963, courageously serving in Vietnam until...  see more
363 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Lynn Shibley
    Pop-Pop you were such a great man. You were always willing to help anyone, any way you could. You always made me feel like family, like I was always welcome to visit. I miss you. ❤️
  • Sarah Friot
  • Dylan Lyle
    They say it gets easier with time pop I think they were wrong about this one. The moment I think I’m doing good the littlest thing will just bring back a memory of you and all the good times we had. Closest thing to a father I had and I think u knew...  more
  • Sarah Friot
    Happy Birthday
    sam cooke- having a party
  • Sarah Friot
    I created this for Pop-Pop and for those who have had the pleasure to have been a part of his life, so we can continue to keep his memory alive. I find when I miss him the most I wish to connect with others who have been around him too. I invite everyone...  more