Celebrate Summer Ends with a walk through the beautiful colors of Autumn. Remember the warm days that lead to this show of beauty. Hear the crunch under your feet as you shuffle through memories of Summer and her generosity and warmth.
Charitable Donations in Honor of Summer Ends
Select a charity of your choice or another one that was personally meaningful to Summer Ends
We created a GatheringUs memorial to celebrate the life of Summer Ends. Collecting your stories and memories here will offer us great comfort. As we plan virtual and in person gatherings, we will share details here. Thank you for contributing to this lasting memorial.
Summer was warm and sunny and invited us all into her heart. She nurtured us with her blue skies and long days. She allowed to us to be together in the open air and not worry so much about the virus. She was kind and spacious. Summer made the waters and beaches our playground and for that I will be forever grateful. I carry her memory with me into the colder days of fall and winter and remember her gentleness.