• Skye Aurora Swenson Celebration of Life

    Sep 19, 2020, 10:00 AM US/Mountain

The memorial organizer requested donations in honor of Skye Aurora Swenson
Raised $600
  Contributors (5)
Or select a charity of your choice or another one that was personally meaningful to Skye Aurora Swenson
Memorial Created By
Lori Swenson

Skye Aurora Swenson

September 19, 2002 - February 20, 2020

We created a GatheringUs memorial to celebrate the life of Skye Aurora Swenson. Collecting your stories and memories here will offer us great comfort. As we plan virtual and in person gatherings, we will share details here. Thank you for contributing to this lasting memorial.

  It is with shattered hearts that we announce, Skye Aurora Swenson, born to Paul and Lori Swenson in Billings, Montana on September 19, 2002, passed away Thursday, February 20, 2020, after a lifelong battle with complications from Congenital CMV.  Skye and her family have resided in Big Sky, MT, since 2009. Skye loved being around people. Her favorite places included the farmers market, church, and school where she especially...  see more
2,315 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Julia Tucker
    Skye and I have a lot of selfies from over the years. I am so glad we do!
  • Julia Tucker
    I have struggled to write memories and compile photos of Skye. It is easy to get lost in the emotions of not reaching the goals we had set and not seeing through the plans we had made. The more I look at the photos the more I realize that Skye had a...  more
  • Lori Swenson
    Lori Swenson added 5 photo(s) to the memorial Skye Aurora Swenson:
    4 Generations
    Great Nana
  • Lori Swenson
    Lori Swenson added 5 photo(s) to the memorial Skye Aurora Swenson:
    Grammy Mac
    Grandma Jan
    Grampa Fred
    Grampa Bill
    Papa Bob
  • Lori Swenson
    Lori Swenson added 4 photo(s) to the memorial Skye Aurora Swenson:
    Auntie Jill
    Auntie Johanna
    Auntie Kari
    Aunt Laureen
  • Lori Swenson
    Lori Swenson added 5 photo(s) to the memorial Skye Aurora Swenson:
  • Lori Swenson
    Lori Swenson added 5 photo(s) to the memorial Skye Aurora Swenson:
    Eagle Mount
    Julia Tucker
  • Lori Swenson
    Lori Swenson added 5 photo(s) to the memorial Skye Aurora Swenson:
  • Lori Swenson
    Lori Swenson added 4 photo(s) to the memorial Skye Aurora Swenson:
  • Lori Swenson
    Lori Swenson added 4 photo(s) to the memorial Skye Aurora Swenson:
  • Lori Swenson
    Lori Swenson added 5 photo(s) to the memorial Skye Aurora Swenson:
  • Lori Swenson
    Lori Swenson added 4 photo(s) to the memorial Skye Aurora Swenson:
  • Lori Swenson
    Lori Swenson added 5 photo(s) to the memorial Skye Aurora Swenson:
  • Lori Swenson
    Lori Swenson added 4 photo(s) to the memorial Skye Aurora Swenson:
  • Lori Swenson
    Lori Swenson added 6 photo(s) to the memorial Skye Aurora Swenson:
  • Lori Swenson
    Lori Swenson added 5 photo(s) to the memorial Skye Aurora Swenson:
  • Lori Swenson
    Lori Swenson added 6 photo(s) to the memorial Skye Aurora Swenson:
  • Lori Swenson
    Lori Swenson added 2 photo(s) to the memorial Skye Aurora Swenson: