Due to COVID-19 restrictions, there are limited time slots allotted for family and friends. We would like you to please complete the below form and RSVP so we could accommodate everyone to have time for the viewing.PLEASE READ: 1. Viewing will be between 1:30pm - 3:00pm ET. 2. Only 7 people are allowed inside the viewing hall at a time. To protect yourself and others, please wear a face mask at all times and practice social distancing. 3. Due to the cold weather, we request you to wait in your car since the waiting room cannot be used due to restrictions.
We created a memorial to celebrate the life of Shilender Raj Chinta. As we plan virtual and in person gatherings, we will share details here. Thank you for contributing to this lasting memorial.
Celebrating the life of a Father, Husband, Son, brother, and Friend