Their mission is to support and serve with organizations invested in building stronger and healthier families... moreTheir mission is to support and serve with organizations invested in building stronger and healthier families within the black community. Our passion is raising awareness in and of the black community in an effort to unify all cultures for a healthier more diverse future for our children and our children’s children.
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We created a GatheringUs memorial to celebrate the life of Seth Saltzman. Collecting your stories and memories here will offer us great comfort. Click on the heart to let us know you were here and to receive email updates. Thank you for contributing to this lasting memorial.
Meatloaf and Daddys Chicken... The Simpsons and Weekend trips to Godiva and Teavana for samples and sips. Thai food nights and beach days... Snow ball fights and snow angels... Big Biscuit and Olive Garden... Go Chiefs!... Sarcasm and knock knock jokes... Hanukkah nights and Christmas mornings... Through the ups and the downs we will continue to remember all of the best memories and times shared with you. I am forever thankful... see more
Meatloaf and Daddys Chicken... The Simpsons and Weekend trips to Godiva and Teavana for samples and sips. Thai food nights and beach days... Snow ball fights and snow angels... Big Biscuit and Olive Garden... Go Chiefs!... Sarcasm and knock knock jokes... Hanukkah nights and Christmas mornings... Through the ups and the downs we will continue to remember all of the best memories and times shared with you. I am forever thankful for the children we shared and the good memories that were made.