There were those times,
when I remember;
how she used to read to me.
Bedtime stories at night,
so I could linger,
and fall soundly asleep.
And then she would,
talk about herself,
and she would say,
that her life was sad and quiet,
filled with patient moments.
The joy of having us,
yet, the sorrow of being lonely.
And we used to play cricket
straight home from school,
she would yell out her heart,
to come inside.
And wash ourselves.
Have some biscuits and tea,
and spend time on homework.
Then, if we did get angry,
and say something nasty,
she would still keep cool,
and talk about other things,
that faced us tomorrow;
And we would make her laugh.
Her life of course, as we know
has not been quite as peaceful
as she would have wished;
And when I gaze upon
our present days,
with moments of memories
from those times;
it seems like a wall
with graffitti all over,
and some patches of white
where the paint has still not smeared;
The dust on the streets,
the hoot of the owl,
a bat flutters over,
while a double decker bus,
passes and screeches.
It still seems so beautiful,
the times we then shared;
Back home at Bamba, with Mummy.
There are those moments
I cannot forget.
Like raindrops on the grass,
butterflies on the flowers,
the cukoo always wailing;
Shades of blue skies
in colors and hues,
evenings of fragrance
wafting across the roofs.
While I listened to music
and sang in the bath,
the sound of running water
watering the plants.
And those luscious ripe fruits
that hung so low,
that we relished so sweetly,
while life unrolled swiftly.
We’ve come thus far,
and shes hit the nineties.
Is it that short,
to have lived and loved?
The end will surely come,
death will kick open doors.
While we wait in silence
and surely, so does she,
with the same patience,
she used to show us then.
I wish I find the time,
to see her once more,
so I can tell her again,
that I am so thankful;
And how much I love her,
for her every single way.
The only single one,
who loved us most of all,
seeking no return;
No, nothing at all.
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Feb 28, 2009