Memorial Created By
Roy Lim

Roger Han Hoe Lim

September 08, 1951 - June 17, 2022

We created a GatheringUs memorial to celebrate the life of Roger Han Hoe Lim. Collecting your stories and memories here will offer us great comfort. Click on the heart to let us know you were here and to receive email updates. Thank you for contributing to this lasting memorial.

He left suddenly and gave us too little time to say our goodbyes. With this memorial, we would like to gather all our thoughts, wishes and memories of our husband, brother, father, grandfather, cousin and friend so that we can remember his life.If you have any photos and videos with him that you would like to share, we would like to encourage you to upload. Thank you.
1,217 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Amanda  Ng

    尾姑丈 was one of the kindest and selfless person I have ever known. When I transferred from Malaysia to study in Singapore, I moved into his house. With zero...  more
  • Roy Lim
    Young Roger and his pride and joy.
  • Roy Lim
    WhatsApp Video 2022-06-22 at 9.33.47 AM.mp4
  • Sue Lim
    Roger 愿你在天堂一切都好👌苏州工业园区26年的老朋友郭源通,和其他老朋友, 都会永远还念你的。🤝🤝🙏🙏
  • Sue Lim
    Hi bro Roger Lim rest in peace and have a smooth n happy journey to your new World ahead u will always be in our memory sad to miss you 🙏

    From Richard Ang Lakopi Kaki
  • Sue Lim
  • Sue Lim
  • Sue Lim
    My friend Roger Lim. You are always loved and never forgotten. May your soul Rest in Peace.

    From KS Chan from TBSS La Kopi Kakis
  • Pat Lim
    We seldom have a good talk, but still miss him , can’t accept and believe of his sudden death. Compare to his dad, he had profited 25 years of life, but compared to his mom , he should has another 25 years to go on.😪
  • Roy Lim
    Roger with family during CNY...
  • Roy Lim
    Sharing photos of Roger with family and friends...