• Mom's Funeral

    Feb 10, 2024, 1:00 PM US/Eastern

Memorial Created By
Andrew Di Genova

Rema Stella

December 07, 1932 - January 30, 2024

We created a GatheringUs memorial to celebrate the life of Rema Stella. Collecting GatheringUs Support stories and memories here will offer us great comfort. Click on the heart to let us know you were here and sign the guest book. PLEASE LEAVE PICTURES AND SHORT MESSAGES TO MOM. Thank you for contributing to...  see more

I’d like the memory of me to be a happy one. I’d like to leave an afterglow of smiles when life is done. I’d like to leave an echo whispering softly down the ways, Of happy times and laughing times and bright and sunny days. I’d like the tears of those who grieve, to dry before the sun; Of happy memories that I leave when life is done.
1,052 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Christine Stella
    Sharing photos from anniversary party
  • Roz Ramsey
    Rema became a great friend of mine close to 20 yrs ago. I met her when she worked at Harrahs in Atlantic City. I played roulette and she would always try to get my number “12”. We both were born in December.

    I visited her home in Ocean City numerous...  more
  • Linda Stella
    Rema was the best mother-in-law anyone could ask for! Rema welcomed me into the family with her big heart and smile. She shared all of Vic’s favorite recipes that she cooked him..her famous gravy, lobster (cutting the 3 membranes), twice baked...  more
  • Therese Leone
    Aunt Rema was always full of love. Her “ ah, hon” always made me feel seen and a big hug from her made everything ok. I loved seeing her boss my dad around “now, Rom,” and usually it meant she was coming to our defense. I have wonderful memories...  more
  • mark case
    So many things to say, but the most fundamental thing was when Aunt Re spoke your name, you knew it was spoken with genuine love, care and concern for you as a person. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love....  more
  • mark case
  • Christine Stella
    A few things I learned along the way from my Mother In Law

    *Take the stairs. Keep moving. Age is only a number and you don’t have to feel or act your age.
    *Grandkids can eat whatever they want at MomMom’s. Her house. Her rules. (I adopted this rule...  more
  • Lorraine Leone-Azzano
  • Rebecca Patrowicz
    Aunt Rema’s energy was simply vivacious! She not only knew how to enjoy life she did so with the kindest and loving heart. The girls are together again and I am sure are back to their usual chats, laughs and bantering. 💕✨
  • Mark Delvecchio
    The best memory of family in this picture. Aunt Rema always a glowing smile. One of the pictures of aunt was on the upstairs deck to the little apartment at aunt Rita's house in wildwood. Looks like aunt Rema was cooking a meal for Drew!
  • Nina Winward
    Mom was always about family gatherings! She loved to be surrounded by friends and family. The boys her the party, the more fun she had!
  • Eileen  DelVecchio
    Aunt Rema was always so genuinely loving and caring . By far made the best baked rigatoni I ever had!
  • Lorraine Leone-Azzano
    Aunt Rema

    In the warm embrace of my childhood memories, your presence shined like a sunbeam through the curtains of time. The moments spent in your cozy home remain etched in my heart, each detail vivid and cherished.

    Your kitchen was a sanctuary of...  more
  • George Baxter
    Aunt Rema the early years and later on. How beautiful she is
    Inside and outOur hearts are with you. I’ll always remember
    How strong you were but fair. One memory I’ll always have was
    When we were kids and we did something wrong you would
    Always...  more
    • Andrew Di Genova reacted on this.
    • George Baxter
      Lorraine Leone-Azzano Love all the photos
      • February 1, 2024
    • George Baxter
      Andrew Di Genova Amazing pictures thanks so much for sharing!
      • February 2, 2024
    • George Baxter
      Rebecca Patrowicz George, the pictures are fantastic. Thank you for sharing. I especially love the photos of Aunt Rema on the steps and the photo of “the Leone girls” walking into the church on your Mom and Dad’s wedding day.
      • February 3, 2024
  • Eileen  DelVecchio
    Many nights in Ocean City with Aunt Re. She could out walk all of us.. we miss her so much.
  • Gabrielle Case
    Dancing Queens! 👯‍♀️
  • Jackie Kelly
    Just wanted to add another fun memory of Mommom, whenever it was her birthday or if I just wanted to chat, we would always email each other as we both didn’t like talking on the phone. I have a recipe for her famous twice baked potatoes saved from her...  more
  • Jackie Kelly
    My name is Jackie, this past weekend I got to see my Mommom for the last time. I am so thankful for the years down the shore I had with her. As I told her this weekend, I loved going down the shore and especially lately i have been missing her homemade...  more
  • Gabrielle Case
    When my parents and I (Mark and Stephanie Case) would drive back from Florida to New Jersey for the summer, we would make a stop in North Carolina to visit Rema, Drew and Michelle. Rema always lit up with joy seeing my dog, Milo. She loved to give him...  more
  • Andrew Di Genova
    This story is from Chris and Christine Stella. "Our daughter Katie Rose is Katie Rose because of mom. We did not have a girl name picked out - but came up with Katherine Rose when she arrived and was a girl. She was going to be called Katie. When...  more
  • Andrew Di Genova
    One of the many walking paths we took mom on. Mom loved her trees!
  • Andrew Di Genova
    Roz one of mom's favorite friends. Roz is an amazing person. Just like mom.
  • Andrew Di Genova
    Mom on walks and in Black Mountain with us.
  • Andrew Di Genova
    Mom loved to walk. Here are pictures of her favorite places to walk when she was lived with us. And some other good ones of her too.
  • Andrew Di Genova
    We love you mom! We miss you. And was she a tough cookie. During a summer rain and lightning storm we warned her not to take her usual outdoor shower. She said “That stuff doesn’t bother me. I’ll take my shower anyway.” Sure enough, lightning hit...  more