
Charitable Donations in Honor of R. Michael Cessna
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Memorial Created By
Allison Schult

R. Michael Cessna

We created a GatheringUs memorial to celebrate the life of R. Michael Cessna. Collecting your stories and memories here will offer us great comfort. As we plan gatherings, we will post invites. Remember to RSVP to help us plan. Thank you for contributing to this lasting memorial.

Raymond Michael Cessna, D.C., was born in Kansas City, Missouri on August 1, 1932. After his parents divorced when he was 5 years old, Mike spent the next two years in an orphanage and in foster care. Michael returned to his mother in 1940 after she recovered from a long illness and remarried. His beloved stepfather, Willard, was very influential on Mike’s upbringing. Raised Roman Catholic, Mike served as an altar boy, started...  see more
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