Memorial Created By
Norman Ashley

Paul-Davey Ashley

July 08, 1963 - March 24, 2020

We created a GatheringUs memorial to celebrate the life of Paul-Davey Ashley. Collecting your stories and memories here will offer us great comfort. Thank you for contributing to this lasting memorial. Message From Nadine: Good afternoon family and friends, The Thanksgiving Service for our dear Paul...  see more

Born July 8, 1963 (age 56). Died peacefully in the loving arms of his wife Nadine and surrounded by other loved ones on March 24, 2020 at their home in Kingston after a courageous battle with cancer.Enjoyed a distinguished career in the education Sector last serving as Senior Education Officer. He is survived by; his wife Nadine, father Winston, brothers Wayne, Andrew and Norman, sisters Joan, Joy and Kathi-Ann, step mother,...  see more
1,340 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Sandra Irons
    Thanks for.the memories FHS 75-80
  • Sandra Irons
    2 Tim 4 v 7. "I have fought the good fight i have kept the faith

    We the FHS Class 75-80 extends our love to Nadine and the entire Ashley family. We all loved Paul since we met in 1975 at Ferncourt High School..
    Paul thank you for sharing your journey...  more
  • Emery G.
    Dear Uncle Paul Ashley I bid you farewell. Always the comedian of the family, you knew how to keep spirits high during any situation. I will cherish your memory always and forever. Love you and rest easy.😥

    Aunt Nadine A. Logan Ashley your love,...  more
  • Norman Ashley
    On behalf of Joan (sister).
    Paul my dearest brother you will be missed.
    You were full of life and even though you had pain, you always made us laugh.

    Nadine thank you for taking care of our brother. You went above and beyond.
    Paul is gone home to Jesus...  more
  • Norman Ashley
    Posted on behalf of our Dad...

    Paul-Davey Ashley (a most Beloved Son) was loaned to
    us July 8,1963 to March 24, 2020. The Lord gives and the Lord takes.
    Paul had a glorious and elegant life which he shared with
    all sphere of contact. He was a star every...  more
    • Norman Ashley and AUDREY BACCHAS reacted on this.
    • Norman Ashley
      AUDREY BACCHAS Dearest Paul,
      You ran your race well my brother. I can only see your smiles, wit and willingness to dance. This lets me know your spirit has soared to higher heights. I imagine you have the saints in stitches with that wit of yours. Your empathy and...  more
      • April 7, 2020
    • Norman Ashley
      Norman Ashley Missing my big brother terribly but, grateful for family and friends who keep the light burning. Grateful for the eternal hope that God gives and His peace.
      • Mar 24