The memorial organizer requested donations in honor of n

Gordon Hall’s Legacy Tree Memorial The family and ski community would like to memorialize Gordon by fulfilling one of his unfinished endeavors to plant trees along the island berm of his last ski project - to complete in Gordon's words "a world class ski site". Gordon has been researching trees for years to beautify and calm the winds between the two ski lakes on the island. We would like to honor Gordon with as many trees as we can fund to protect and fulfill the perfect ski set. A dedication on the island will also be established to memorialize Gordon's dream.

$0 Raised of $10,000   Contributors (0)
You can also select a charitable cause that is personally meaningful to you or one that was important to n
Memorial Created By
Katy Hall


September 18, 1900 - March 02, 1900

We created a GatheringUs memorial to celebrate the life of Robert Gordon Hall II. Collecting your stories and memories here will offer us great comfort. As we plan gatherings, we will post invites. Remember to RSVP to help us plan. Thank you for contributing to this lasting memorial.

286 Visits

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