Mikey was born in Honolulu to Eddie and Sarah Glendon. His family, which also included three older sisters, moved to Kapu'euhi when he was about one years old. He attended Mountain View Elementary, Kamehameha Schools, and eventually graduated from Saint Joseph back in Hilo in 2000. He had a short stint at UH Hilo and went on to build his own business Hawaii Island Rain Gutters. This short synopsis of his life feels empty, because there was so much MORE to him.
He was everything, because when you were with him, he made you feel like YOU were everything. He left us too soon, just shy of reaching 39 years of age, he's gone. It's hard to say these words out loud and to re-read them over and over again...he's gone.
While the majority of us run through the motions of our daily lives with barely any energy at the end of the day to do anything let alone reach out to contact someone that we love just to say hi, Mikey made this a priority for the better part of his life.
He was the guy that would show up at your house to say hi, notice that your fence was broken, and then two hours later show up with a truckload full of lumber to build you a new one - "only easy kine." He was the guy who got wind of your newborn baby and spend hours creating and carving a custom Hawaiian heirloom made out of wood from a freshly cut tree to hiked up to get just for this purpose. He was the guy who you sat down with to laugh and talk about the day, and soon find yourselves in tears talking about the things that weigh heavily on your heart - he had this magical way about him that made you feel comfortable enough to take down all your armor to feel and to connect. He was the guy that knew you were struggling and dropped off pounds and pounds of food for you to feed your 'ohana for weeks. And he's the guy that would fight, fiercely for what he believed in and those he loved.
For those of you who knew him well, you understand what we mean when the world feels emptier without him here. He poured out enough love and aloha to those in his life for all of us, and now we feel the void. I read something the other day: Be the things you loved most about the people who are gone. And with Mikey, what we all loved about him, was not just his capacity to love others, but his willingness and dedication to do so - so freely and with so much ease. Be that, love more, and love hard, and then love harder.
Our hearts ache today for his four children, Kuahiwi, Kamaehu, Kaʻōlino, and Kahanuola, who have to live the rest of their lifetime here on earth without the physical presence of their father. We ask that you use this memorial page to give to his children and share a story that depicts the best version of Mikey that you hold dear to your heart so that they can reflect upon the parts of him that they may not have known about. Let them see and feel how his legacy of love left a lasting impression on you for these are the memories that they will cherish forever and hold dear until they reunite with him in God's time.