We have created this site dedicated to remembering the incredible life of Mary Elizabeth O'Connor Campbell.
An unforgettable woman who was full of life and laughter, Maria was much loved by her huge circle of friends, family, teammates, clients, and neighbors. We invite you to share your memories here... see moreWe have created this site dedicated to remembering the incredible life of Mary Elizabeth O'Connor Campbell.
An unforgettable woman who was full of life and laughter, Maria was much loved by her huge circle of friends, family, teammates, clients, and neighbors. We invite you to share your memories here through stories, photos, tales of shared adventures, or ways in which her life touched yours.
Click on the heart to let us know you were here and to receive email updates. Thank you for contributing to this lasting memorial.
It is hard to believe that it has now been one year since Tropicasa Realty and our community learned of the passing of our long-time co-worker and dear friend, Mary Elizabeth "Maria" O’Connor. Maria suffered complications from an emergency surgery and passed the evening of Wednesday, October 21, 2020. Whether serving her clients or reveling in her friends, she lived her life with an unyielding strength and enduring passion that was an... see more
It is hard to believe that it has now been one year since Tropicasa Realty and our community learned of the passing of our long-time co-worker and dear friend, Mary Elizabeth "Maria" O’Connor. Maria suffered complications from an emergency surgery and passed the evening of Wednesday, October 21, 2020. Whether serving her clients or reveling in her friends, she lived her life with an unyielding strength and enduring passion that was an inspiration to all that knew her.
Her passing inspired an outpouring of love and support in the community, particularly in a beautiful article that was written by Robert Nelson and published on Expats in Mexico – The Expats Guide to Living in Mexico, entitled “The Stars Dimmed Over Puerto Vallarta”, in which he wonderfully captured our feelings and our memories.
Now, a year later, we know that Maria would be the first to tell us to “lighten up and have a good time”, so we’re inviting you to share your stories with us, so that we can all remember the bright light and laughter she brought into our lives. We look forward to your contributions.
I was looking for a "good" photo of Maria and I and I realize I had this one, and even though it may seem like she is not there, she totally is ! It is a recent photo and for us, she was basically there !
I learned about this place ( and many... moreI was looking for a "good" photo of Maria and I and I realize I had this one, and even though it may seem like she is not there, she totally is ! It is a recent photo and for us, she was basically there !
I learned about this place ( and many many others) because of her, she was always recommending places and things to do, she was good about sharing the "good stuff" with her friends !
Chicago is a special city for me and in part because of Maria, I was just there a couple of weeks ago and it was almost like if I could hear her talking to me, we went to some places she recommended before and discovered new ones that I wish I could tell her about, I know she would have loved to hear about them.
We raised a glassed for her and cried too, wherever you are I hope you are having a fucking blast ! Cheers ! less
Whenever I think of Maria, the pictures that come to mind are of her always laughing. She was a very happy and passionate person who enjoy life to the fullest. There are countless of anecdotes from her that always make us laugh whenever we recount them.... moreWhenever I think of Maria, the pictures that come to mind are of her always laughing. She was a very happy and passionate person who enjoy life to the fullest. There are countless of anecdotes from her that always make us laugh whenever we recount them. We will miss and keep her in our hearts always.
These pictures show perfectly how I always remember her. less
There is not, one single moment, that I did not entirely have fun with this woman! She reminded me that life should be lived in grand fashion and to take no shame in enjoying it to the fullest. I miss my friend very, very much, and as she would want me... moreThere is not, one single moment, that I did not entirely have fun with this woman! She reminded me that life should be lived in grand fashion and to take no shame in enjoying it to the fullest. I miss my friend very, very much, and as she would want me to, I will spend tonight with a good bottle of wine and sharing the stories about her that make me laugh the most. less
Conocí a Maria en persona en una cena de amigos en común, aunque ya la había visto antes y había oído hablar de ella nunca había tenido la oportunidad de convivir con ella; cuando me enteré que estaría ahí un escalofrío recorrió mi espalda una... moreConocí a Maria en persona en una cena de amigos en común, aunque ya la había visto antes y había oído hablar de ella nunca había tenido la oportunidad de convivir con ella; cuando me enteré que estaría ahí un escalofrío recorrió mi espalda una mezcla de miedo y emoción. La misma que siento cuando conozco a less
Orlando SantamariaMujeres fuertes, tenía muchas ganas de saber como pensaba y que pensaba y esa cena fue una experiencia increíble. Recuerdo que cuando se enteró que era abogado me preguntó que porqué no ejercía a lo que le contesté que estaba asqueado de la ley en... moreMujeres fuertes, tenía muchas ganas de saber como pensaba y que pensaba y esa cena fue una experiencia increíble. Recuerdo que cuando se enteró que era abogado me preguntó que porqué no ejercía a lo que le contesté que estaba asqueado de la ley en México; al final de la cena me dio su tarjeta y me dijo: llámame, tal vez cambies de opinión.
Hacer esa llamada cambio mi vida en muchos sentidos, ella fue quien me impulso a terminar la carrera y volver a ejercer, cuando le dije que quería ser su asistente se sorprendió y me dijo que ella nunca había tenido un asistente a lo que le respondi que nunca tendría un asistente como yo y nos soltamos riendo.
Me tomó bajo su manto y comencé en Tropicasa, aprendiendo de ella, una parte de lo que soy ahora se lo debo a ella, Maria era una persona extraordinaria y hacía lo imposible por ayudar a la gente es lo que más recuerdo de ella pero a la vez no dejaba que la gente pasara sobre ella, me enseñó a decir no cuando la gente no tenía razón y... less
Maria & I arrived in Puerto Vallarta at about the same time. We met through my next door neighbor, one of her close friends. She was working as a receptionist in a real estate office on Hwy 200. I was struck by her awesome inteligence, and friendly... moreMaria & I arrived in Puerto Vallarta at about the same time. We met through my next door neighbor, one of her close friends. She was working as a receptionist in a real estate office on Hwy 200. I was struck by her awesome inteligence, and friendly personality. I was told she spoke Russian. I never got to confirm that.
On a trip to Michoacan I discovered fabulous trout farms. IBeing a foodie married to a professional chef, I brought a cooler full of fresh pink meat trout back on one trip to distribute to the many fine chefs in PV in hopes of starting a little distribution biz. And I dropped two off to Maria, as we were both dedicated foodies. Every week after that I delivered salmon trout to her office.
Many years later, after she started practicing law, in MX and had opened her Pinxtos tapas restaurant, we were enjoying some red wine on the patio. I had finished selling a condo project and was on a break. But it was time to work again.. She immediately said come join us at Tropicasa! and the rest is history. Thank you Maria.
I think about her often, especially when I pass the spot where she worked, on the highway close to my house, where I delivered her trout. Always brig s back memories.. And often it still feels like she's her. less
Well, after 19 months of basically staying away from the “sea of humanity”, I decided to venture to San Sebastian for a getaway. Even though I’ve been working, I wanted and needed a change of venue. No, I’m not staying in the haunted... moreMaria:
Well, after 19 months of basically staying away from the “sea of humanity”, I decided to venture to San Sebastian for a getaway. Even though I’ve been working, I wanted and needed a change of venue. No, I’m not staying in the haunted house. I know you thought that was all too silly, but it really happened. I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re haunting a person or two these days as well just for the hell of it. You always enjoyed a little mischief – “muahahaha”. And speaking of mischief … no, don’t worry, I won’t go there.
Remember that time when we went to Mascota in the “fun car” and were walking down the street, and an elderly lady came up to us and started chatting with us and asked us over for a cocktail? We were so surprised and immediately fell in love with her and the town. And all those times zipping through Vallarta with the top down – you refused to be in the car if the top was up. And 80’s music was always blaring -- I still listen to the CD you made for me. You were like a Prom Queen on a parade float in that car … laughing, singing, waving at bystanders.
How about when we almost got stuck in Mexico City with Tom and Vicky because the flight was nowhere to be found. It wasn’t showing on a board, it wasn’t at any of the gates. Yeh, it was that flight that we got on that airline (no, the OTHER one) and the tickets were literally like $9 USD … ROUND-TRIP! It was a cattle call, but you were SO happy to turn me onto this great way of traveling for basically nothing, since you always said I was too “fluffy” the way I liked to travel. And look what happened. You flew Business Class the first time to Madrid and I couldn’t get you out of a biz class “pod” to save my soul. You adopted fluffy travel like it was your idea.
And oh boy did you change your tune on red wines when properly introduced. You totally got me with the Albariños though. (Hating that poor sentence structure right now, aren’t you?) But when it came to reds, you were putty in my hands. I gotta say, you are probably the all-time winner with that Pedro Jimenez “jerethz” recommendation. And “how much fun” did we have with our favorite sommelier and the “secret wine”? I can’t mention the restaurant or our somm as then there’ll never BE secret wine again. And we NEED secret wine!
And speaking of food. OH THE FOOD! Did we eat! O M G! I LOVED how we enjoyed our meals. Fancy. Cheap. And everything in between. We went out, what, 2?, 9? times a week? Remember how it would annoy everybody that while we were sitting down at a meal, ANY meal, we’d be thinking, planning and making reservations for the NEXT meal? And perhaps the next TWO meals? And don’t forget breakfast wine. Yep – a nice little Maria-ism invented en La Roma at that cute little bistro. But mollejas – “really?”
And trips! We both agreed that planning the trip was sometimes just as much fun as actually going on the trip. And the spreadsheets. THE SPREADSHEETS! I remember one of my first big trips, I told you how crazy I was about organizing my trips and that I actually created Excel spreadsheets. And you were like, ME TOO! And then you sent me yours. And I was jealous! And then I had to adopt some of your systems (like including the reservation numbers, in addition to just the date/time info) of a flight or car service or restaurant because it was WAY better! And that time when I was on a cruise and you were traveling through Italy with Pam and Mark and it turned out we were going to be in the very same teeny tiny itsy bitsy town for 6 hours – so we booked lunch? And then you bought that piece of jewelry afterward because we all got smashed on Aperol Spritz’? (Those things are still nasty, by the way.)
How about the fact that you were the life of the party – ANY party – EVER! Even if it WASN’T a party or SUPPOSED to be a party, you were the life of it. Oh, and when you’d call any of the most popular restaurants in town on any of the busiest days of the year and say, “Hola, [enter name of maitre’d or owner], soy Maria” … and you’d have a table in 15 minutes, even if they were full. How about that when you took a stand, it was going to take an act of God to get you to change your opinion? And cigarettes? Best challenge ever to come your way! You’re welcome! What about all the times that you stood up for your friends even when they didn’t even know how, or that they should, stand up for themselves. Or the fact that you were a technological geek and somewhat wizard and thought anybody who owned anything other than an Apple product “lived under a rock” or was “a Flintstone” (insert photo of ME). Shall we mention that you were likely the smartest person I had ever known in real life, other than perhaps Harold, our rocket scientist friend. What about your ability to create friendships that ran deep and were timeless? “Who does that?” And you were always the person that came up with the ideas for work events, because you did NOT need another meeting or boring work thing to do. How you hated shopping, but would buy anything online and have it shipped, because it would just arrive at your door. And that you knew virtually every taxi driver (and almost always their family) in town BY NAME … and they knew you BY NAME … because you didn’t drive and never had … EVER.
And ALL those times that you stood up for Mexico, the culture, the way of life, and most importantly, its people! You were a singular force of nature.
But the joke is over. Because this is getting old. I call, but you don’t pick up the phone. I text, but you don’t respond. I talk to you, but I don’t get an answer. It’s been a year. Enough is enough. Time to come out now and say “SURPRISE”.
That’s my Maria. Stubborn, just to prove a point. Our quarter of a century, give or take, of friendship, adventures and shared life experience, seems like a moment in time … while the rest of it will seem like an eternity. And yes, after I cry a bit more, I will “suck it up”. And if it’s OK, I’ll keep missing you.
Remembering the joy and fun that Maria shared with all of us - we will miss her unique joie de vivre! So many moments over the 15+ years that Alejandro and I knew Maria, here are just a few photos of a particularly fun-filled weekend in Chicago - Maria,... moreRemembering the joy and fun that Maria shared with all of us - we will miss her unique joie de vivre! So many moments over the 15+ years that Alejandro and I knew Maria, here are just a few photos of a particularly fun-filled weekend in Chicago - Maria, always part of the gang!! Celebrating your life and sharing our love and fond memories. less