• Mark Rostenko Memorial

    Sep 20, 2020, 7:00 PM US/Eastern

Memorial Created By
Natalie Danchenko

Mark Rostenko

August 01, 1966 - July 26, 2020

It brings us great heartache to share the news that Mark Rostenko has passed from this world. Though his death is a tragedy, we have created a GatheringUs memorial to celebrate his life and the beauty he brought to our lives. We hope that all of those he held dear can gain comfort from collecting your stories...  see more

Mark Rostenko was born in Michigan on August 1, 1966, the younger of two boys.  Mark was always a sensitive, brilliant young man, who excelled in school, partook in a wide range of activities including music, and as a member of Plast (Ukrainian Scouts) (and the Ukrainian-American community in Southeast Michigan.  Mark attended Detroit Country Day school, and his excellence in school precipitated his acceptance into University of...  see more
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