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Memorial Created By
Leslie Asheville

Mark E Asheville

Mark E Asheville, 61, of Astoria, New York, passed away Friday, October 28, 2021. He was born on April 17, 1960 in New York, NY to Rosemarie and Mark Asheville. He was preceded in death by his parents and sisters, Sue Ann Pintchik and step-father Edwin Sheville, “the greatest dad ever.” A natural...  see more

Mark E Asheville, 61, of Astoria, New York, passed away Friday, October 28, 2021. He was born on April 17, 1960 in New York, NY to Rosemarie and Mark Asheville. He was preceded in death by his parents and sisters, Sue Ann Pintchik and step-father Edwin Sheville, “the greatest dad ever.” A natural introvert, he had an enduring love for education, both formal and informal. It continued throughout his life as a voracious reader of books....  see more
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