The memorial organizer requested donations in honor of Liria Teresa Riera-Seivane
Raised $2,850
  Contributors (6)
Or select a charity of your choice or another one that was personally meaningful to Liria Teresa Riera-Seivane
Memorial Created By
Puri Garcia

Liria Teresa Riera-Seivane

March 30, 1973 - August 10, 2021

We created a GatheringUs memorial to celebrate the life of Lira Teresa Riera-Seivane. Collecting your stories and memories here will offer us great comfort. Click on the heart to let us know you were here and to receive email updates. We decided, as a family, that instead of flowers we would appreciate...  see more

Liria T. Riera-Seivane, 48 years old, left this world on August 10, 2021. For the last two years she battled breast cancer fiercely and courageously. She is survived by her parents, Alberto Riera-Ferro and Maria Teresa Seivane-Echevarria, her two brothers, Alejandro and Jaime Riera-Seivane, and sisters-in-law, Puri Garcia-Serrablo and Olga E. Feliciano.  
3,001 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Dolores Burguet
  • MainAC
    • MainAC
      Jaime Riera-Seivane Hi, thank you for donating to a cause that Liria was committed to and for liking this memorial to her.
      • August 24, 2021
  • alejandro riera
    My sister passed away a week ago this afternoon. One week ago. That she is no longer with us is still hard to swallow. As I wrote on a Facebook post last Wednesday as I was still trying to process the news, she was the best of us.

    I like to think of her...  more
  • Jaime Riera-Seivane
    There are not that many words to express how sad and devastated we are as a family, specially me, for your early departure. You got the golden ticket, and not from Willy Wonka, to ride that marvelous train to Forever Land.

    For the last weeks, I have...  more
  • Brenda Gil
  • alejandro riera
  • Fam Maysonet Feliciano
  • Edleen Feliciano
    • Edleen Feliciano
      Edleen Feliciano Liria, my sweet sister-in-law, you will always be present in our lives and thoughts. Therefore, this is not a goodbye but a see you later.
    • Edleen Feliciano
      Dolores Burguet Liria,
      My heart is filled with wonderful memories of joyous times together. Our trips to Puerto Rico , your visit to Atlanta during your Spring break, our quick get togethers at the airport on your way to college. Our trip to Deltona. You left is us...  more
  • Puri Garcia
  • Elizabeth Santuchi
    • Jaime Riera-Seivane reacted on this.
    • Elizabeth Santuchi
      Jaime Riera-Seivane Ciao Elizabeth, grazie per il supporto emotivo a mia madre e mio padre. È stato a causa di persone come te che non hanno aiutato a portare questo pesante e triste fardello. Spero un giorno di incontrarti e ringraziarti personalmente.
  • Harold Lidin
    Dr. Harold Lidin, su familia y empleados, momento muy doloroso con tan triste noticia. Liria trabajo con nosotros por 14 años sin contar sus años de voluntaria. Hija ejemplar, trabajadora y con unos principios que ya muchos quisiéramos tener. Que...  more
    • Harold Lidin
      Jaime Riera-Seivane Hola Doctor, mis padres le agradecen sus palabras de apoyo y solidaridad durante estos momentos. Nuestro agradecimiento sincero por todo el tiempo y carino que compartio con Liria. Muchas gracias por su donativo, mis padres y sus hermanos le estamos...  more
  • Harold Lidin
  • Stacey
    • Jaime Riera-Seivane reacted on this.
    • Stacey
      Jaime Riera-Seivane Hi Stacey, it was nice to meet you and all your wonderful peers at the Clinic. All of you meant a World to my sister, and for me that was very important. Liria always talked about all of you in a positive way. You were family to her. Because of that, my...  more
      • August 16, 2021
  • Alicia Gutierrez
  • Jaime Riera-Seivane
  • Puri Garcia
    Please join us in remembering Liria's life through this video. Double click on the video to see it on Full Screen, it has a poem from Chrissie Pinney and words from us honoring her. Please feel free to share any anecdotes, memories and/or pictures you ...