Kelly Lee Hou, loving wife, mother, and grandmother, passed Sunday, March 7, 2021.
Lee was born in 1950 in Xinchu, Taiwan, to Wang Jiang and Xu Yan. She graduated from Ming Chun University where she met her husband, An-Ping, during her junior year in college. They married in 1976 and immigrated to the US.
An independent spirit, selfless wife, and determined entrepreneur, Lee focused on providing her family a better life. Lee was an art lover, food enthusiast, avid gardener, and practiced calligrapher. She loved spending time tending to her flower garden and enjoying meals with friends and family. She is survived by her husband, son, and grandson, Hudson.
Lee passed peacefully surrounded by her loving family after losing a battle with cancer.
麗雲性格溫和善良,品德賢淑,處事有方,常常有功不揚 獲得四鄰敬愛. 她對人感情真摯,忠誠厚道,操持家務條條有序, 是整個家庭的頂梁柱。
麗雲喜歡中國文學,最近幾年更是勤練中國書法 陶冶情智外 也給家