
Charitable Donations in Honor of Julie channell my beautiful sister
Select a charity of your choice or another one that was personally meaningful to Julie channell my beautiful sister
Memorial Created By
Jessica Channell

Julie channell my beautiful sister

June 22, 1993 - May 17, 2020

We created a GatheringUs memorial to celebrate the life of Julie channell my beautiful sister. Collecting your stories and memories here will offer us great comfort. As we plan vmhet celebrationof life..and birthday dinner, we will post invites. Thank you for contributing to this lasting memorial.

Julie channell was most definatly a beautiful person. A attitude that none of us can ever forget (haha) she was very crazy you never wanted to be on her bad side thats forsure. She seen good in everyone she truly cared about.Shee wanted the best for her family and i know shes in heaven with our mom now and shes just smiling down atbus happy because for the first time in years shes finally free of her breathing problems...and health...  see more
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