
Charitable Donations in Honor of Jeffrey Winters
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Memorial Created By
Cameron Richardson

Jeffrey Winters

November 30, 1961 - June 12, 2016

We created this online memorial to celebrate the life of Jeffrey Winters - on what would have been his 60th Birthday! It's a great place to collect your stories and memories, as we share some of our own. Click on the heart to let us know you were here and to receive email updates.

631 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Jennifer Richardson
    Jeffery Winters: My dear friend Jeff!!! One of the

    HAPPIEST people I have EVER known!!! What a jolly man. Always smiling and happy!!! He loved his family dearly. Jeff was always UP for an adventure. He loved to travel 🧳. He could hit every...  more
  • Jennifer Richardson
  • Jennifer Richardson
  • Jennifer Richardson
    A Birthday Message
  • Cameron Richardson
  • Peggy Winters
  • Cameron Richardson
    Julie Bergstrom
  • Cameron Richardson
    This memoir was sent in by Deborah 'Deb' Parsons - who also contributed to the photos on the previous post!

    "What can I say about Jeff, (I never could get used to Jeffery- he will always be Jeff to me) but that I loved him so very much, and still do! ...  more
  • Cameron Richardson
    This memoir and photos were sent in by Jeffrey's 'Uncle Dick Winters':

    I have always felt a close bonding with my nephew, Jeffrey Winters. I think it really started when he spent a Summer with us here in Luray VA. We had just moved to our new property...  more
  • Cameron Richardson
  • Cameron Richardson
    From Carol Robinson, Jeffrey's cousin:

    "I have many fond memories of Jeffrey over the years. He always had a smile & was in good humor & gave the best back rubs as you can see in the photos!! I especially remember the stories that he told...  more
  • Cameron Richardson
    This video was sent in from Ruth and Steve Dawson - all the way from Hawaii!
    RP Dawson Video
  • Cameron Richardson
    This memoir was sent in from Robert Michael Landis:

    "John Winters married Margaret (Peggy) Pritchard, and Jeffrey Mark was their first offspring. Jeffrey was born in Chicago, soon after John was ordained in the Evangelical United Brethren Church....  more
  • Cameron Richardson
    These photos were sent in by Cindy Pritchard, with the following captions:

    "Fishing in 2002 at Dewart Lake with Mat"
    "Men's conference in 1993 at Purdue U"
    "Jeffrey's wonderful hugs"
    "Collecting golf balls to be placed in Peggy’s milk cartons -...  more
  • Cameron Richardson
    These photos were contributed by Nancy Leach - she writes:

    "Here are some not-so-good photos of Jeff from his time in Tampa, when we didn't whip out our camera so often!"
  • Cameron Richardson
    These beautiful photos were contributed by Amy Sheffield - Jeffrey's first cousin. She adds:

    The family reunion on the West Coast was the last time that I was with Jeffrey. Doing some sightseeing with the Winters family was a great part of that trip....  more