Memorial Created By
Paige Estrada

Irene Hales Drasso

September 04, 1934 - September 18, 2020

We created this memorial page to celebrate the wonderful life of Irene Hales Drasso. Collecting any of your stories and memories here will offer us all great joy and love. As we plan the virtual and in person gathering, we will share the details here. Thank you for contributing to this lasting...  see more

“Death can be comforting and sweet and precious or it can thrust upon us all the agonies and sulphurous burnings of an endless hell. And we—each of us individually—make the choice as to which it shall be.” -Bruce R. McConkieIrene loved all of her family dearly, both alive and deceased. She had a strong testimony of the gospel, and knew because of this testimony that her death was her reward in seeing her parents, sisters, and husband...  see more
1,226 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Jeannette Ichikawa
    Our family moved from Whittier to La Mirada in 1972. Mom would say that when we were new at church, no one knew who Lori, John and I belonged to because we looked nothing like her.

    It wasn't long before she was driving carpools of church kids around...  more
  • Lori Drasso Roberts
    When we were young, Mom would ask us every summer how we would like to use the amount of money she had saved. We usually were given the choice of going to Sea World once, or the beach several times each week. Being the beach lovers that we were, we...  more
  • Jean Kudlacek
    We love you so much Aunt Irene! You have always been there for our family in more ways than we can say. Ivan would never have gotten his degree if you wouldn't have sent him back to the library when he was ready to give up on calculus! (In reality, that...  more
  • Paige Estrada
  • Ichikawa Circle
    Yesterday our family gained an Angel. Bam meant so much to us and it was difficult not being able to visit her due to Covid19. I know she's watching over us and I can still feel her warm hugs and smiles. She would always bring out small trinkets, books...  more
  • Paige Estrada
  • Paige Estrada
  • Paige Estrada
  • Paige Estrada