Memorial Created By
Jeanne-Marie Garon Taylor

Henry A. Garon

September 09, 1927 - April 25, 2021

Thank you for joining us here! We created this memorial to celebrate the life of our father (and father-in-law), Henry A. Garon, his 39 years of teaching, and his 28 years of service to New Orleans’ homeless, which includes his work in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

One day long ago, Jesus Christ said that whatever we do for his least brethren, we do for him. I happen to believe those words of his. I take them literally and have concluded that I ought to do something at least slightly radical toward finding him in those whom the world considers lowest and least. ~ Henry Garon, The Wanderers (Orbis Books, 2009) Henry Garon, our father (and father-in-law), was an amazing man in so many ways....  see more
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Posts & Photos

  • Gregory Baskin
    Henry A. Garon: It was not my good fortune to have met you. But, clearly, you had a positive impact on me. A positive, substantive impact on my life.

    Your virtuous daughter, Jeanne-Marie, is a rare gem. Specifically, Mr. Garon, she is a living example...  more
  • Gregory Baskin
  • Andrew Sisson
  • kelnel3000
    Mr. Garon, also affectionately known to my family as “Uncle Henry”, has been a part of my childhood from as long ago as I can remember. When I last saw him a few years ago he reminded me of a funny story of when I was 3 or 4 years old and called him...  more
    • Jeanne-Marie Garon Taylor reacted on this.
    • kelnel3000
      Jeanne-Marie Garon Taylor Ha! I love it!

      Thanks for sharing that. Yes, Dad always got a big kick out of that.

      And I had no idea that the shows were you on YouTube now. Cool!

      Let me know if you have a link handy.

      Great to connect with you, Chris, and thanks for taking the...  more
      • May 3, 2021
  • Patrick  Garon
    Thank you for visiting our memorial page! Your comments or memories of Henry are very welcome here, and please know how much my father appreciated all of his friends.
  • We'd like to share some of our favorite quotes from Henry's books:

    "To truly be happy, we must be prayerful, repeatedly asking God to enlighten us."

    "Time is God's way of loving us out of the past and into the future."

    "A...  more