Memorial Created By
Steph Harrill


July 19, 1946 - November 23, 2019

Please share funny stories, leave condolences and comments, memories and pictures ❤ You'll be so very loved and missed like crazy every day always , rest easy Mom . . . .

It is with shattered hearts that we share the passing of our precious Mom, Grandma and most of all true friend, she is already missed so much more than I ever thought I could miss anyone. It is  impossible to attempt to define her in words . . . .. . . Mom was born July 19, to Lottie and Jake Harrill, and raised in Pleasanton California. Mom was one of 7 children, of which she was the last surviving. She had 3 brothers from the "same...  see more
2,467 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Steph Harrill
    Mother's day won't ever be the same without YOU!!
  • Steph Harrill
    I love and miss you and your presence every day!!
  • S Harrill
    I love you, I will always be in awe of your integrity and patience. I miss your laugh and smile . . .
    Moms $28 car!
    Partners in crime!
  • S Harrill
    I miss you EVERY DAY, I'm so broken 💔
  • Steph Harrill
  • Steph Harrill
    My biggest fan, no one has or will ever love me to the same degree. The days have changed so much without you here. I miss you EVERY day.
  • Steph Harrill
    Miss you every day . . .
  • Steph Harrill
    I've been told that grief is just love with no where to go . . . . You are missed SO MUCH . . . .
  • Steph Harrill
    You are missed so much every day. You always worked so hard to make Christmas morning perfect for us. You have been absolutely the best Mom and set an example of how a person should be. We all love and miss you this and every Christmas 🎄 ❤

  • Steph Harrill
    You are missed, talked about and thought of constantly. Nothing is the same without you here Mom.
  • Steph Harrill
    You will be thought about and missed every day for the rest of my life . . . The best always are missed . . . . .
  • Steph Harrill
    You are so loved and missed every day . . . .
  • Steph Harrill
  • Steph Harrill
    This is a video of us performing Gloria on Where the Action is. The date was May 6, 1966 just a month after Gloria had hit it big. My favorite part about this video is that I am singing into a fire extinguisher... For more Shadows of Knight info/tour dat...
  • Steph Harrill
    Love and miss you every day
  • Steph Harrill
    Happy birthday Mom. So wishing that you were here. You are and will always be so very loved and missed EVERY day. We carry you within us.
  • Steph Harrill
    Still . . . EVERY. . . . DAY . . . . .
  • Steph Harrill
    Thank you!
  • Steph Harrill
    You are missed so very much Mom . . . 💔
  • Steph Harrill
    Another day that you are missed so very much 😥
  • Steph Harrill
    Thank you
    I love and miss you, we all do . . . .
  • Steph Harrill
    I miss you . .
  • Steph Harrill
    Miss you so much every day 😢 💔
  • Steph Harrill
    I miss you so much every day. Some days are harder . . . .happy labor day Mom. You are loved, missed, and talked about and thought about all of the time. THANK YOU I love you
  • Steph Harrill
    I still miss you so much, I think about you all of the time. I hear you, " slow down Steph". Its is so sad without you here. I know why you said don't grow old. I get it now . . . Rest easy Momma 💔
  • Steph Harrill
    The second birthday that we didn't have you here. You are loved and missed every day! I love you Mom.
  • Steph Harrill
    I miss you
  • Steph Harrill
    There is so much that I have wanted to share with you. I love and miss you more than I ever thought that I could miss anyone, ever. I know that if you can watch over and protect us, you always will.
    11-23-2019 💔 ♥
  • Steph Harrill
  • Steph Harrill
    Mom thank you for your every day guidance, please keep watching over us.. We love and miss you so much!!
    💔 💔
  • Steph Harrill
    Oh mom I miss you every day
  • Steph Harrill
  • Steph Harrill
    Love and miss you, every day v . . . .
  • Steph Harrill
    I take you with me. I love and miss you so much
    11-23-2019 💔
  • Steph Harrill
  • Steph Harrill
    You are thought of and missed so much EVERY DAY Mom 💔 I have great memories of many Easter times with you.
  • Steph Harrill
    I think of you, I miss you so much . .
  • Steph Harrill
  • Steph Harrill
  • Steph Harrill
    Momma i just miss you so much 💔 😢
  • S Harrill
    I finally logged back in! I thought I really blew it! We miss you so much EVERY DAY!
  • Steph Harrill
    I miss you . . . We all miss you so much Mom. Everything changed when we lost you . . . .
  • Steph Harrill
    Oh you ALWAYS made everyone smile 😃 we MISS YOU SO MUCH MOM!
  • Steph Harrill
    We all miss you so much every damned day . .
  • Steph Harrill
    Missing you every day . . .
  • Steph Harrill
    I miss you. WE ALL MISS YOU!
    I really don't think that you knew how very much you meant to so many. You not being here has left an unfillable void in our lives. We try Mom, we do. Nothing has eased the pain of losing you. Time is not helping . . .
  • Steph Harrill
  • Steph Harrill
    404 days now that you've been gone. We miss you like crazy. It won't ever be the same. I understand now, how much you missed everyone and hoped for that big gathering again. I so hope to see you again. I love you Momma, I miss you so much 💔
  • Steph Harrill
    You are missed so much Mom.
    Bent but never broken, lost like the little girl in the grocery store, when I was 6 . . .
    We.carry you with us ALWAYS!
  • Steph Harrill
    Wishing that you were here . . . .