
Charitable Donations in Honor of George Michael Urbas
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Memorial Created By
Terrie Urbas

George Michael Urbas

July 07, 1951 - November 12, 2020

We created a GatheringUs memorial to celebrate the life of George Michael Urbas. Collecting your stories and memories here will offer us great comfort. Click on the heart to let us know you were here and to receive email updates. Thank you for contributing to this lasting memorial.

I’m writing this obituary for my husband, George Michael Urbas. George was very kind man. I thought so when I met him as a 17 year old girl. And, although that view of kindness may have been colored by the glow of young love, I can confirm that kindness was one of his strongest traits as it was always there throughout our 45 years of marriage. We met in 1973. We both worked at a sporting goods store in San Diego. We worked at...  see more
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