The memorial organizer requested donations in honor of Eileen C. Bare


Funeral Expenses & Support the family.

Raised $200
  Contributors (2)
You can also select a charitable cause that is personally meaningful to you or one that was important to Eileen C. Bare
Memorial Created By
Trish Bare Grounds

Eileen C. Bare

April 17, 1927 - August 02, 2022

We created a GatheringUs memorial to celebrate the life and love of Eileen C. Bare. We encourage you to join with us in celebrating her amazing life by sharing photos and stories about how she touched your life.

Eileen celebrated 95 years of life in a style all her own and known to many who loved her as the Queen Mother and Momma Bare. Born Margaret Eileen Carpenter in Maryland in 1927 was 1 of 10 children to James & Sadie Mae Carpenter of which she was the last remaining sibling. Eileen had a very colorful and adventurous life, beginning with growing up on a large tobacco & cotton farm with her siblings & cousins. She was an accomplished...  see more
743 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Trish Bare Grounds
    The 2 Redheads at Christmas Time FWB, FL
    Christmas in Pensacola, FL, UMC
    The Queen Mother, Greenville, NC
    Momma with Adopted Daughter Sandi Weinberg Hobe Sound, FL
    Momma with the cat who chose her, Jakie, Greenville, NC
    The Queen Mother & her fur headed to the theatre, Greenville, NC
    Me & Momma in PA
    Me & Momma, Christmas w/o in Greenville, NC
    O & the Queen Mother at Beauty & the Beast, Raleigh, NC
    Best Friends from the beginning, O & Momma, NJ
    President of the United Methodist Women hosting a fundraising fashion show, WPB, FL
    Momma & O headed to the Ballgame, Greenville, NC
  • Trish Bare Grounds
  • Trish Bare Grounds
    Some photos to enjoy of the Queen Mother
    Momma with Balto Greenville, NC Home
    Momma with Baby O, WPB, FL
    Momma & Me, Christmas in Greenville, NC Home
    Momma being Momma not eanting photo taken
    Momma in Rehab Hospital July 2022 NC