• *Tentatively scheduled* Celebration of Dorothy Geis’ Life

    Jun 30, 2021, 4:00 PM US/Central


Charitable Donations in Honor of Dorothy Geis
Select a charity of your choice or another one that was personally meaningful to Dorothy Geis
Memorial Created By
C Thavis

Dorothy Geis

We created this memorial page to celebrate the life of Dorothy Geis and keep her loved ones updated on when her in-person celebration will happen.

Dorothy was born June 30, 1933 to Charles and Frances Pecholt in Sanborn, Minnesota.  Dorothy epitomized hospitality and shared her talents, faithfulness and service of others throughout her life.  Dorothy met the love of her life, LeRoy Geis, in Sanborn, and they married August 8, 1959, after completing her undergraduate degree at the college of St. Teresa and Masters of Nursing at the University of MN.  Dorothy taught nursing at the...  see more
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