The memorial organizer requested donations in honor of David Sarver
Raised $350
  Contributors (5)
Or select a charity of your choice or another one that was personally meaningful to David Sarver
Memorial Created By
Valerie Fishman

David Sarver

February 01, 1939 - January 15, 2020

We created a GatheringUs memorial to celebrate the life of David Sarver. Collecting your stories and memories here will offer us great comfort. Thank you for contributing to this lasting memorial.

David Sarver passed away peacefully at 9:30am Pacific time on January 15, 2020 at Cherry Hill Swedish Hospital in Seattle, Washington just before his 81st birthday on February 1st. He had been admitted Monday January 13th after suffering a hemorrhagic stroke that led to a brain bleed. He was kept comfortable and peaceful at the hospital and his wife Maxine and daughter Valerie were by his side during his time at the hospital. Their...  see more
1,381 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Valerie Fishman
    My (Valerie's) letter to my Dad: "Dear Dad,

    Thank you for demonstrating to me and so many others how to live, and for showing me that death can be beautiful and not scary.

    Thank you for holding my hand at the zoo, and for laughing when Mom was nervous...  more
  • Valerie Fishman
    Jenny Lubold, Maxine's daughter (from a letter she wrote to Valerie): "I want to take a moment to tell you how much your father meant to me all these years. I looked back to realize they've been married for 31 years, and it was a reminder of how...  more
  • Valerie Fishman
    Liza Hayes, Maxine's daughter: "What a honor it was to have known David for over 30 years. As a husband to my mother Maxine, he was much more than a step-father to me. He was a mentor, an advisor, a role model, and a friend. David's character and...  more
  • Valerie Fishman
    Judy Suor selected an epitaph she once read in a church in Bermuda that was written in 1778: "To the memory of David Sarver, whom living a singular complacency of manners joined with many useful talents and eminent virtues. Rendered highly...  more
  • Valerie Fishman
    Maxine's chosen poem, written by the Hopi Native Americans: "Do not stand at my grave and weep, I am not there, I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow, I am the diamond glint in the snow, I am the sunlight on ripened grain, I am the autumn...  more
  • Valerie Fishman
    2/23/20: I wanted to sincerely thank the Timber Ridge community for hosting a beautiful and heartfelt celebration of my Dad's life yesterday. I also wanted to share the readings from yesterday, and thank the beautiful shares from people in the community...  more
  • Betsy Weiner
    David was an anchor and a grounded, stable, and kind father figure and guiding force for me. Growing up a few houses down from the Sarver's, Valerie and I became best friends around age 4. I was at their house all the time and David's presence, humor,...  more
    • Valerie Fishman reacted on this.
    • Betsy Weiner
      Valerie Fishman Thank you Betsy, this sums him up perfectly. He loved you very much and always saw the real you, even when you didn't.
      • February 23, 2020
  • Howard Barbour
    Sad news indeed, our sympathy and best wishes go out to you Maxine.
    David was a truly memorable laugher, it started with his joyous expression and spread to his whole body. We need those people.
  • Valerie Fishman
    From Linda Sacks, a friend on Orcas Island:
    Dear Maxine ~ so very heartbreaking to hear the news of David’s death. It is a week since I have read your words, my dear friend, and I expect your world is still turned upside down. I hope in the weeks...  more
  • Valerie Fishman
    From Curt Turner, a dorm mate of David's:
    Hi Marty,
    I am saddened to hear of David's passing! He helped smooth the edges of law school for me. I tried posting the message below to the memorial page with which you so thoughtfully put us all in touch....  more
  • Valerie Fishman
    From Pamela de Jong:
    My thoughts and prayers are with you as you go through this period in your life. Val was kind enough to let me share my grief on the phone. However, I would also like to share my thoughts with you.
    To this day, working with...  more
  • Tamara Ross
    Maxine, Valerie, and Evan, we extend our deepest sympathies out to you and our thoughts are with you!
    David was like a younger brother to my mom. He was there for our family when my both my parents passed making sure we were honoring their wishes.

    ...  more
  • Joey Fishman
    It is difficult to write about David. Not because he was a complicated person but because I’m my eyes, he was so close to perfect. In the sea of impressive qualities that made up David, it’s hard to highlight only a few.

    'The Orcas Oracle' will be missed.
  • Richard N Kipper
    I first met David in 1974 when he and I were members of the tax department at Laventhol and Horwath, David in the Minneapolis office and me in the Los Angeles office. We both became partners in 1978. We saw each other once or twice a year at the tax...  more
  • John Ashenhurst
    Yvonne and I send our condolences to Maxine, Valarie, and Evan. We were Deer Harbor neighbors to David and Maxine for many years and enjoyed our times together at Deer Harbor Community Club potlucks (see picture) and the Orcas Island Unitarian...  more
  • John Ashenhurst
    John Ashenhurst added 3 photo(s) to the memorial David Sarver:
  • Susan Gillmer
    I am David's youngest cousin on his mother's side. I have fond childhood memories of the Fourth of July at the farm and adult memories of David in Minnesota. David was a great guy with an outstanding sense of humor and he will be missed.
  • Paul Losleben
    Let me add my condolences to Maxine and a picture of the "Beef and Bullshit" gang. We met for 10 years and David was a respected member, always contributing constructively in both the discussion and the hospitality. It was a stimulating and...  more
  • Valerie Fishman
    Valerie Fishman added 4 photo(s) to the memorial David Sarver:
    Provided by Stephen Garrison, friend from Orcas Island
    Provided by Stephen Garrison, friend from Orcas Island
    Provided by Stephen Garrison, friend from Orcas Island
    Provided by Stephen Garrison, friend from Orcas Island
  • Valerie Fishman
    From Stephen Garrison (friend from Orcas Island): On Orcas Island, we had a dinner club called “Beef and Bullshit” of which David was a prominent member. Over a decade, a group of us including an Intel senior executive, a NYC film and TV director, a...  more
  • Valerie Fishman
    Judy Fishman (Val's mother in law) wanted to leave this reflection: What you wrote for Gathering Us was so descriptive and informative. As usual you paint a picture and a beautiful story of who your dad and family were and are. There were things in that...  more
  • Jennifer Lubold
    Jennifer Lubold added 1 photo(s) to the memorial David Sarver:
  • Jennifer Lubold
    Jennifer Lubold added 1 photo(s) to the memorial David Sarver:
  • Jennifer Lubold
    Jennifer Lubold added 1 photo(s) to the memorial David Sarver:
  • Pamela Thompson
    I have such great memories of your Dad and Mom, from their time in Evanston but especially when you moved to Minnesota. I am so sorry to hear of his death. Sending you and Evan virtual hugs. Xxoxoxo
  • Evan Sarver
    Here's something I wrote to my Dad on Christmas almost 20 years ago....

    I want to thank you for all that you’ve given to me in the course of my life. I can never account for all that you’ve done for me, but this Christmas letter serves as a start. ...  more
  • Maxine Sarver
    David caught my interest with his wit, humor and intelligence. No one could be in his presence very long without laughing. He took life in his stride. What a wonderful life companion. Thanks David, with love Maxine
  • Valerie Fishman
    Valerie Fishman added 1 photo(s) to the memorial David Sarver:
  • Valerie Fishman
    Valerie Fishman added 25 photo(s) to the memorial David Sarver:
    Jane Sarver
    David at the Oregon Coast in 2011
    David's 80th birthday
    The Sarver Winery
    Dinner in Eugene Wine Country
    On the plane to Prague
    Cafe Louvre in Prague
    David and Evan