David Louis Beckwith, 71, died peacefully at home in Toledo, Ohio, on February 22, 2022. He is survived by his wife, Lindsay Potts, his daughter Schuyler Beckwith (David Wilson), his son Judson Beckwith, and his daughter-in-love and granddaughter Loreli and Isabeau Bratton. He is also survived by three brothers and a sister, nieces, nephews, and godchildren, as well as a far- reaching network of friends and compatriots.
Dave had once written that, upon his death, he wanted those of us who knew and loved him to wail for an hour and indulge in some bad behavior – eat a piece of pie, smoke a cigar, buy an expensive book – and blame it on his passing, but then get back to the business of love and work. However, for those wanting to do something more tangible in Dave’s memory, please consider making a donation to the Center for Health and Environment Justice. A link for doing so can be found elsewhere on this page.