Memorial Created By

Coach Ron Hill

October 06, 1956 - March 24, 2020

This GatheringUs memorial was created to celebrate the life of Coach Ron Hill. Collecting your stories and memories here will offer his family and each of us great comfort. Thank you for participating in this lasting memorial.

Mr. Ron Hill, a beloved member of The Mount Vernon School's Upper School teaching and coaching staff, passed away on March 24, 2020. This is an incredible loss to our community, as he has had an impact on many of us. We could only wish to have a little of Coach Hill in our lives -- a  big smile with an even bigger heart.  In 1975, early on in his career, Coach Hill enlisted in the US military. Brave and courageous beyond measure, he...  see more
5,275 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Peyton DeWeese
    I first met Coach Hill back in 6th grade when I began to run track. I remember him as this guy who wanted nothing more than to push us to be better than we already are, and not only to become better runners, but better people. What really stood out was...  more
  • Amelia DeWeese
    Coach Hill, You really inspired me to run the best I could on the track. I remember you would always say " I will make you run until I am tired". I don't know if track will ever be the same without you. We will miss you.
  • Evan Batka
    Coach Hill, You were one of the best coaches I've ever had. Thank you for challenging me and believing in me. I'm sad that I will not be able to play football for you, but I'll always think of you when I throw the shot and discus. I will miss you. -Big Guy
  • Jennifer Batka
    Coach Hill ~ we are heartbroken about losing you. Evan really enjoyed being on your Track and Field team last year and earlier this year. You believed in him, encouraged him, and coached him well. I didn't know you but I know you were a good man and...  more
  • Hannah Green
    Coach Hill never failed to make me smile. He would always be uplifting people or cracking jokes and would never fail to make me smile. He would always ask how I was doing and just cared for the kids at Mount Vernon like his own. He will be missed greatly...  more
  • Chris Andres
    “To be a Virginian either by Birth, Marriage, Adoption, or even on one’s Mother’s side, is an Introduction to any State in the Union, a Passport to any Foreign Country, and a Benediction from Above.”

    I'll send news of the Hoos...  more
  • Rod Williams
    Coach Ron Hill... I knew him as "Ronnie", because he was my cousin. I'm from Baltimore and he lived in Staunton with others in our family. We spent time together when my Mom and brother went to visit out Grandmother and other family. He cracked...  more
  • Juliene  Carroll
    Dear Coach Hill, you will be greatly missed by our community. Your great personality, energy and kindness will be missed among our MVPS family members.
    May God bless your souls to Rest In Peace, and comfort for your family members.
  • Debra Schober Peterson
    Coach Hill was an inspiration to all of us. He was kind and caring, and he always encouraged others to be their best. All of us in the MV family were lucky to have him in our lives. We will miss him greatly.
  • Lily Durlacher
    Coach Hill was my very first track coach in middle school. He was my favorite sub, favorite GTD teacher, and favorite mentor. He always knew how to make the class laugh and made such personal connections with every student, including myself. When I think...  more
  • Annelisia Wilson
    It is with great sadness that I learned of a dear friend’s death due to the Covid19 virus. He was a man of some important firsts in my life. He was my first boyfriend (at age 6). We attended first grade together. He was my first male guest to family...  more
  • Lisa Kosmos
    I may never have known Coach Hill personally in my almost 2 years at Mount Vernon, but I did know that he was and still is an incredible man. He was my sub for a class back in Mod 2, and instead of just giving us the teacher's instructions, he...  more
  • Caroline Betz
    I was not on his football or track team, but his care for others showed in the way he cared anyways. When I was a freshman, he went out of his was to find out more about me so he had something to talk to me about. When I had an issue with a tire in the...  more
  • Lauren Roush
    A great person loved by all. I had his GTD a couple times and we always traded pens. Before I left for my French exchange trip he told me how proud he was and that he couldn’t wait to hear about it when I got back. Unfortunately that time never came....  more
  • Connor Holloway
    I didn't talk to Coach Hill much, but from my friends and sister, I could tell that he was a great coach and friend. I remember perfectly when he spoke in chapel, and how that moved me. Rest in peace, Coach.
  • Laura Sims
    What better way to honor the amazing, encouraging and love-filled man Ron was than by sharing his own words to his 7th grade girls basketball team just two short years ago. This is an e-mail Coach sent at the end of the season, and is just one small...  more
  • Oliver Vanjaria
    Coach Hill was a great man, coach, and friend. He coached my middle school track for 2 years and at the end of my eighth grade year, he told me that I should continue on with track in high school because of my great work ethic and my positivity. Everyone...  more
  • Claire Christerson
    Ron Hill was the quintessential coach in so many areas of life. Not only was he a coach on the field for numerous sports, he was a spiritual and emotional coach for so many. He was a gentle giant who was hard not to love and respect.

    I’m going to...  more
  • Arden Adams
    During the interim trip to Tennessee two weeks ago, he got the keys to a golf cart and would ride it around the Doe River Gorge property. One day, he let me hop on with him and we just rode around and shared laughs and memories and funny moments with...  more
  • Alex Mette
    Coach Hill man, you were a special one, you would never i let me get away with anything. All of the memories we share will continue to be so special and valuable as I move into the next chapter of my life. I'm not sure what I am gonna do without being...  more
  • Kirsten Beard
    Coach, when I think of you, these words and phrases flood my mind: loyal, selfless, revered, passionate, thoughtful, full of grace, always an encourager, playful, and fun.

    Your impact at Mount Vernon is immeasurable and your legacy will forever live on...  more
  • Natalia Akhlaghi
    Coach Hill was a special light that we all got to shine with. He always knew exactly what to say and how to make you laugh - even when you didn't feel like you ever could. I don't think there could've been a better time for me to meet him except when I...  more
  • Jordan  Yager
    coach Hill was my GTD teacher for this mod and his character is amazing. I remember hearing him laugh through the halls and just instantly knowing he was a good person. His stories were so inspiring and he will for sure never be forgotten, Rest In Peace...  more
  • Margaret Robbins
    I'm so grateful to Ron for taking such good care of my students when he substitute taught in my classroom. I'll always remember the inspirational speech he gave at MV middle school chapel on Veteran's Day. He was truly an example of servant leadership...  more
  • Gary Furman
    Ron was always warm, welcoming and a dependable colleague. He loved kids and provided a fatherly firm guidance to our students.
  • Angél Kytle
    One of my first interactions with Coach Hill was watching him interact with athletes on the field and court. His booming voice echoed through the air, and when I listened what I heard was tough love. Coach Hill expected a lot of his athletes and students...  more
  • Dustin Kytle
    I always looked forward to seeing Coach Hill at practice. He was always encouraging us with positive energy and helping us grow better not only at the sport, but as a person.
  • Sarah Schab
    Coach Hill's impact on Mount Vernon will be everlasting. He created so many memories for everyone, and was a light in the MV community. One of my first memories of Coach Hill was when I was in 6th grade, we had a middle school track meet on my birthday...  more
  • Ella Moore
    Coach Hill was an inspiration to all who knew him. I am so grateful to have known him for 5 years and learn to love him. He was my track coach in 8th grade and pushed me to be my bet self even when I thought I couldn’t. Even once I moved to high school...  more
  • Caroline Morrison
    I always loved having Coach Hill in GTD. I was never as close to him as some other students, but we still had a connection. I always loved to see his smile in the halls, and his laugh was infectious. Mount Vernon won't be the same without you. Rest easy coach.
  • Blake Kytle
    Coach Hill was a great man who always put others first above himself. He was such a light in the community and made every interaction special. He truly cared for everyone he came in contact with and was always willing to help. Seeing him on and off the...  more
  • Gabby Wilson
    Coach Hill never failed to bring a smile on my face throughout my years at MVP. From funny side comments, while we were on the field together to sitting in the overlook with me and talking and life, he was always there to make me feel like I had a place...  more
  • Carson Watson
    Coach Hill was such a positive light in the Mount Vernon Community. He was always the first one willing to lend a hand or have a conversation with on a tough day. Last year, I go to know Coach Hill very well as he assisted me in a project about Veterans....  more
  • Steve Ray
    Mount Vernon will be changed forever. We are blessed by the amazing impact you had, thanks Coach Hill for just being YOU!!
  • Olivia Barnes
    After coaching me for three years in middle school track and field, Coach Hill's impact on my life didn't end after I entered high school. Coach Hill had the unique ability to evoke a smile or a laugh from everyone he came in contact with. Even on my...  more
  • Justin Blumencranz
    Every morning, I would pull into the church parking lot 30 minutes before school. For some reason, I could never park correctly and always pulled too far forward. Coach Hill would come over and wave his hand as I backed up until giving me a solid...  more
  • Kathy de Cano
    Coach Hill was a light on a hill, literally, so his name was befitting. He made us all laugh and shared his smile and positivity daily. One would be hard pressed to name all the people, especially young people, whose lives he touched in profound ways....  more
  • Sheldon Staples
  • Katie Goodwyn
    Coach Hill was someone I wasn’t too close to, but he was always there to listen and to just talk about anything you have to say. When he was subbing for my AP Language and Composition class, I was creating a collage that was for one of my projects and...  more
  • Sheldon Staples
    So sad to have lost my friend & co-worker, Ron Hill. I will miss our friendly UVA/UNC banter and him calling out to me, “What up, Carolina?” One of my favorite memories with Ron was when we stood in as Jack M.’s parents on Baseball Senior Night...  more
  • Mariana Depetris
    I am very shaken and sad by the loss of our dear friend and colleague Ron Hill. Ron, you are already missed by so many, including me. I celebrate that I got to know you and work with you, you were always an example of generosity to others. I cherish a...  more
  • Sharisse Scineaux
    I did not know Coach Ron Hill, but reading Dr. Jacobsen’s letter brought me to tears... just knowing that this man lived a beautiful, caring, sharing life, and touched the hearts of students, parents, and staff alike in a profound way. Coach Hill will...  more
  • David Song
    Coach Hill- Thank you for your dedication to your students and athletes. Thank you for setting the standard for us at Mount Vernon, and I truly appreciate you for helping me to understand how to be a better teacher, coach, and person. You will be missed.
  • Katieanne Peterson
    Coach Hill was truly one of a kind. He could always put a smile on my face no matter what was going on. My freshman year of basketball, before the season began, he took me and Sarah and trained us for months from the summer to the beginning of the...  more
  • Hunter McCown
    I didn't know Coach Hill that well, but his joyful spirit and his warm smile would light up the church parking lot and the school. His vibrant soul will be missed.
  • Jeff Frantal
    I only knew Coach Hill from quick chats and laughs, but it was clear the amazing person he was. Always smiling and quick to ask about your day, Coach Hill was someone who filled a space with his energy. So deeply sorry to hear about the loss of this great man.
  • Brian Burchik
    There are no words adequate for a time like this. Coach Hill you were truly a great man. The way you loved our community was beautiful. You put others before yourself, and your presence was full of love, joy, and laughter. We miss you already Coach - you...  more
  • Eric Levitan
    Thoughts and prayers to Coach Hill’s family. Know that he made an impact in our family and was so supportive of everyone. Such a tragedy. He will be sorely missed.
  • Meghan Stewart
    I know our Mount Vernon student body, and I know how terrible it is for everyone that we can't be together as a school community right now to mourn, and to remember coach Hill, sharing our own experiences with him and knowing him better through our peers...  more
  • Sabrina McNerney
    We send our deepest sympathy to Coach Hill's family. He was such a kind and positive part of the community.