The memorial organizer requested donations in honor of Christian Bastke
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Memorial Created By
dandrea B

Christian Bastke

Thank you for joining us as we celebrate the life of Christian Bastke. We welcome your comments, stories and photos in thankful memory of a loved father, friend and missionary teacher.

Christian Bastke served with Torchbearers staff for over 50 years. He gave his life to the Lord at age 17 when Major Thomas held an evangelistic meeting for youth in postwar Germany. Major invited Christian to Capernwray Hall for a youth retreat, and helped facilitate his theological training in the States, before inviting him to join the Torchbearers staff.   Together with his wife, Martha (one of his former students at Capernwray...  see more
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Posts & Photos

  • Micah Sherman
    I met Christian for the first time in Dec 1964, when he came to Calif. To propose to my sister. For Christmas, he gave me a Swiss army knife.

    I truly appreciated the hospitality he displayed in 1966 when our family visited him and Martha at their...  more
  • Susanne und Jürg Wellstein
    Wir nehmen von einem Freund, Lehrer und Vorbild Abschied.
    Es tut uns Leid.
    Vor bald 40 Jahren haben wir Christian in Holsby kennen gelernt. Wir schätzten ihn als Dozenten sehr, auch wenn er anspruchsvolle, doch sehr gehaltvolle Lectures hielt. Dann...  more
  • dandrea B
  • dandrea B
    Bastke Brueder
  • ed & mary epps
    When I was at Capernwray Bible school, 1964, Christian was one of the teachers. Afterwards, He invited me to a retreat of his in Norway.

    I enjoyed a very memorable skiing trip with him and good conversations.

    Little did we know that we would end...  more
  • Laura  Lockwood
    I remember Christian when I worked at Capernwray Hall in 1990/91 I hung out with his daughter Rebekkah beautiful Christian family so very sorry for your loss
  • dandrea B
  • Rainer Bastke
    Christian war mir ein guter Bruder. Er war ein wichtiger Teil meines Lebens. Er war ein Mensch mit vielen Facetten. Seine wertorientierte Haltung und sein christlicher Glaube waren beispielhaft. Er verneinte nie seine deutschen Wurzeln, obwohl er...  more
  • Christian Wolstencroft
    I was so sad and shocked to hear of Christian's passing - yet I know he would ask me why I was sad, when he has been promoted to the very glorious presence of Our Lord.
    I met Christian at Capernwray Bible School here in the UK in 2003/04 (highly...  more
  • Rebekka Jensen
  • dandrea B