Memorial Created By
Roux Lucitt

Carrie Ann Lucitt

August 07, 1971 - July 25, 2019

Join us in celebrating Carrie Ann Lucitt, born in Arcadia, CA, grew up in Northridge, CA. Please contribute to this reflection by sharing stories, memories, photos, etc. We will post event information on FB. Please share this reflection with family and friends.

The shock & pain of Carrie's sudden departure has pained many. She was the most sincere, goofy, spontaneous, kind, loving human. Her energetic radiant smile could brighten anyone's day! Her food complimented even the most sophisticated palate. We were fortunate to share our lives for 12 1/2 years. Carrie made me a better person just by being with me. She has joined Mom, Mary Lou, Father Ed, beloved Aunt Kath, Uncle Wacky & others.  The...  see more
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Posts & Photos

  • Diane Robertson
  • Brea Watkins
    She was the most giving person. Always saw the good. Loved every animal. Wanted to save them all.
  • Brea Watkins
  • Diane Robertson
  • Roux Lucitt
    I was not supposed to write this for at least anothe 20-30 years! My love, my life was taken from us too soon. It felt like someone stuck their hand in my chest and ripped my heart out! We were supposed to grow old together. Carrie was convinced she...  more