The memorial organizer requested donations in honor of Amy Atteberry Sadri
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Memorial Created By
Tamera Crang

Amy Atteberry Sadri

This is a living memorial of a beautiful, kind loving soul - Amy Atteberry Sadri - a mother, wife, sister and daughter. We will use this dedicated space to honour and cherish the memories that we all have of her. Thank you in advance for contributing to her memory, it would mean so much to her as it...  see more

Amy was born to David Lynn Atteberry and Earline Atteberry (nee Chapman) on October 12, 1959.  She grew up predominantly in Dallas, Texas and was middle sister to two brothers. She was a vibrant, fun-loving girl and teenager and always chased adventure. She attended Justin Kimball High School in Oak Cliff.  Early in life she became a single mother to Tamera Dawn VanDyke, her only daughter and child. She devoted herself tirelessly to...  see more
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