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Memorial Created By
Emily Donville

Alice Stutt

We created a memorial page to remember and celebrate the life of Alice Stutt through photos and memories.

Alexandria Stutt (née Bihun) was born in Ethelbert, Manitoba in 1922 and died, peacefully, at the Maplewood Long Term Care Home in Brighton, Ontario on August 13, 2020.  Alice spent her childhood on her family farm near Riding Mountain National Park in Manitoba.  At thirteen, Alice left her home to move to Hazelridge, Manitoba, and worked as live-in help, eventually settling with Dr. Scott and his wife.  There, Alice met the love of...  see more
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Posts & Photos

  • Angie Mear
  • Jennifer Donville
    I remember when the boys were babies, and there was one person that could get them to stop crying - it was Grandma. She would hold them in her arms, facing her, and rock them outwards and backwards - usually singing some beautiful lullaby. She was magic....  more
  • Jennifer Donville
  • Jennifer Donville
  • Liz Kellough
    When I think of Alice, also known as mom and Grandma in our family, I think of the penultimate wise woman who stepped so easily into a role of coach and mentor for me as a young woman in my 20s. As ‘back to the landers’ oh so many years ago, Jim and...  more
    • Emily Donville reacted on this.
    • Liz Kellough
      Jennifer Donville So beautiful, Liz - wish we could be together to share all these memories! Sometime soon, hopefully.
      • September 10, 2020
  • Spencer Gough
    Ever since I can remember I've always cozied up with one of Grandma's blankets. One in particular I've had since I was born, or at least ever since I can remember. When I was young I would always bug her to fix it for me when it got a rip, and she would...  more
  • Emily Donville
    For Harry and Megan's wedding, we made "fancy" hats and watched the ceremony while drinking tea and eating scones with clotted cream and jam. We got sentimental and cried about the beauty of true love. It was such a fun morning together.