LaLa Go's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 2 of 2 in Wall Photos

The first time I met Chris he cracked my back. I can still feel the relief from it today. He would come over to my dorm a lot and hang out or do homework with my roommates and I.We had so many laughs together. I remember him becoming so comfortable that if we left our sliding door open he would jus come in or kick on our front door to let him in hahaha I would get so annoyed but I loved that he enjoyed hanging out with us. He became my brother ❤

Hahaha a funny and embarrassing moment: we were in a Jiu Jujitsu club together at East Bay and he was my partner to drill with. Chris had pushed on my stomach and forced a fart out of me. He got up real quick saying WTF!!! we were laughing so hard. Our coach responded saying they (girls) do that too!! Hahaha

Thank you Chris for becoming my brother. Thank you for coming into my life and blessing me with your beautiful presence. You will truly be missed brother. It has been some years since we last talked but I will always remember our moments like they were yesterday. You will always have a place in my heart. Rest in Love Brother. Until we meet again ❤????????????????????????