Teresa Maijala's Album: Wall Photos

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One of my Dads favorite animals were elephants. I was always a bit perplexed about this. A lot of people have been posting elephant videos lately so I have been watching them closely to get a feel for their nature. The first thing I noticed is that there is a sweetness and kindness about them and deep loyalty to one another. Here is the Spirit animal take on them: I think it reflects my Dad pretty well.

Elephant Totem, Spirit Animal
People with elephant totems are brilliant and often make excellent researchers or scientists. These people have deep emotions and will respond to those feelings from a place of inner knowing. The family is essential to them, especially the very young and the very old. Folks with this spirit animal always have a soft spot for the weak and the helpless. Loyalty is the elephant totem persons strong suit, and they remain loyal in spite of difficult circumstances in all situations.