pratibha deshmukh's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 7 of 7 in Wall Photos

From our dear friend, NANDA Kandalgaonkar (Received this morning May 1, 2020)

Mandatai, ARCHANA on the TERAHVIN (13th day!)

Dear Pratibha, Shekhar, Hemant and Shashu,
Today is the 13th day of dear Mandatai's passing. All of us who have been her special friends loved her dearly and her death will affect us all. But I am thinking especially of all her beloved children, grand children and great grand children whom she nurtured and cherished all her life. I am very sorry for this loss in your life. Narayan and I too will miss her more than words can say. Our time together has been precious and will always be in our thoughts.
Her sweet disposition, her genuine love for her family and friends, her intelligence, her powers of observation, her integrity and her love of life inspired us all. I believe she impacted the lives of everyone that knew her. I myself was lucky enough to know her for more than 49 years, She was like family to me. She never changed through the five decades that we knew her. Even in her nineties she still had a vibrant personality and great energy. And she still had encouraging things to say to everyone. She was a great lady! May she rest in peace.
My thoughts and prayers are with you at this time. Take care and God bless.