The memorial organizer requested donations in honor of Our Loving and Caring Mother, Alhaja Mobolaji Falilat Lawal

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Memorial Created By
Adewale Lawal

Our Loving and Caring Mother, Alhaja Mobolaji Falilat Lawal

May 15, 1951 - January 13, 2019

We created a GatheringUs memorial to celebrate the life of Our Loving and Caring Mother, Alhaja Mobolaji Falilat Lawal. Collecting your stories and memories here will offer us great comfort. Thank you for contributing to this lasting memorial.

Dear Mum, Your life was a blessing.. Your memory a treasure..Those special memory of you will always bring a smileOnly wish we could have you back only for a while more.You are forever in our heart until we meet again..Abiyamo Otito, Iya Oninure...Though you are gone from our sight, but never from our heart. Only God knows how much we miss you!
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